Related Projects
Live Projects
Parking is an issue that we deal with everyday. For this reason, the City wants to know about the failures and successes of public parking in Lehi. We are interested...
What is Engage Lehi?
Engage Lehi is a way to stay informed on what is happening in the City. It also allows you to participate in the political process and have your voice heard...
Housing Affordability in Lehi
2022 Update
Utah State passes legislation this year that requires cities to increase the number of goals they have to increase affordable housing in their city. They also are requiring... -
Projects Under Construction
Below we have a map of all the recently approved projects. It includes a short description and image. If you have additional questions please reach out to the planner over...
Development Near Transit
Based on previous public input, the City Council dete
rmined high density housing should locate near current and future transit stations. Developments near transit provide alternative transportation options for residents...
Public Comment for Planning Commission Items
- Below is a list of the public hearing items
- They include a brief explanation
- Click on them if you would like to leave a comment
- You may leave comments and...
Lehi Urban Forestry
Urban Forestry is the care and management of tree populations and associated vegetation that make up the “forest” within a city for the purpose of improving the urban environment.
Biking in Lehi
Lehi is home to great mountain biking trails and paved multi-use trails. No matter your skill or comfort level we want to hear from you. Below are opportunities to participate...
Bike & Pedestrian Plan
For Bike Month we want to get residents input on the current Bike/Pedestrian Plan. A Bike/Pedestrian Plan is a map of current and future planned bike facilities. We are interested...
Lehi Fiber Network
Lehi City is in the process of building a fiber-optic broadband network to provide high-speed Internet services to its community. After completing a Fiber Feasibility Study (see the study under...
General Park Feedback
This page is an opportunity to provide general feedback on what you like, don't like, or would like to see in Lehi Parks, Trails, and Open Space Areas. Please share...
Secondary Water Metering
In October 2022, Lehi City began a five to six-year effort to install secondary water meters on all properties within city boundaries. This project is in response to the Utah...
Air Quality
Please see the survey below.
Walkable Lehi
We want to create places where people walk not because they have to, but because they want to. And we want your feedback into where these places should be. Of...
Jordan Willow Pond
The Jordan Willow pond is nestled in the community of Jordan Willow. Surrounded by parks, trails, and the Jordan River, the pond adds to the natural landscape of the area...
Neighborhood Commercial
Picture living in a neighborhood where you can walk down the street to purchase milk or eggs, or even walk to a gym, doctors appointment, or work. Lehi City staff...
North Lehi Station Area Plan
The North Lehi Station Area Plan has now been fully drafted. It will go to Planning Commission and City Council starting in March 2025. You can view the document on...
2100 North and Hospital Station Area Plan
We are just starting the process of creating a station area plan. This plan will include land uses, transportation, and other details. We would love your input! Please sign up...
Water Conservation
2023 has been a wet year, but it is still important to consider water conservation. Please fill out the survey below.
Projects Under Construction
Below we have a map of all the recently approved projects. It includes a short description and image. If you have additional questions please reach out to the planner over...
Family Park Plans
Family Park is under construction. You can view the plans under documents.
Downtown Lehi Plan
Lehi City is working with Landmark Design to create a new Plan for Downtown Lehi (Historic Main Street and State Street). They have a separate project website with information. You...
Bike Ped Plan Vision and Goals
As staff continues to work on the Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan we want to ensure we have a strong vision and goals. We are seeking your feedback as the...
Lehi Civic Center
Lehi City broke ground on a new, 60,000 square foot civic center on April 24, 2024. This facility will include new council chambers, a community room (for public and private...
Lehi City Transportation: Planning for Our Future
Transportation planning in rapid growth areas like Utah County is complicated and requires collaboration from multiple organizations, including city, county, and state agencies. Unfortunately, the...
Archived Projects
Jones Legacy Estates 2 Lot Subdivision 1330 East 600 North
Dale Jones requests preliminary subdivision approval of a 2-lot subdivision located at approximately 1330 East 600 North in an RA-1 (residential/agriculture) zone.
The proposed subdivision will add two residential lots...
Lakeview Land and Rock General Plan Amendment 600 East 600 South
Public hearing and recommendation of Cole Peck’s request for review of the Lakeview Land and Rock General Plan Amendment at approximately 600 East 600 South, changing the designation from LDR ...
Bandwagon 2 Lot Subdivision
Ben Card requests approval of Bandwagon Plat A, a 2-lot subdivision with an existing home located at 970 North 300 West. The area for the new lot is 15,675 square...
X Development Zone Change
X Development’s requests review of a zone change from A-5 to NC (Neighborhood Commercial) and R-1-Flex on 20.10-acres of property located at 2100 North 2300 West. The applicant proposes to...
Public Facilities Zone Change
Lehi City is proposing to change several City owned and Alpine School District owned properties from their current zoning designations to the Public Facilities zone. The proposed zone change allows...
Crack Shack-Via 313 Site Plan
The Crack Shack-Via 313 site plan is located at 1085 East Main Street between Fabulous Freddy’s Carwash that is under construction and the freeway on ramp. The plan consists of...
Curaleaf Chapter 12 Development Code Amendment
Curaleaf requests review and recommendation of the Curaleaf Chapter 12 Development Code Amendment, amending the regulations specific to medical pharmacies with distribution of cannabis to allow drive-thru facilities. This amendment...
Concord Homes Zone Change
Located at 705 East Cedar Hollow Road. Concord Homes wants to change the zoning on 0.69 acres from RA-1 to R-1-12. The RA-1 zones requires at least 15,000 square feet...
Micron Area Plan Concept
D R Horton proposes an amendment to the existing Micron Area Plan. This concept shows a variety of land uses including different residential areas, mixed-use, parks and civic/church sites. It...
Thanksgiving Point Station Concept
Slopes Residential LLC is proposing an amendment to the existing Thanksgiving Point Area Plan. This concept plan is the first step in amending the area plan and provides a general...
Barney 8-Foot Fence Conditional Use
Public hearing and consideration of Darla Barney’s request for approval of a conditional use permit for an 8-foot fence located at 428 South 640 West. The request comes because the...
Dimrock Property Subdivision
Public hearing and recommendation of Ivory Homes’ request for preliminary subdivision review of the Dimock Property subdivision, a 6-lot residential subdivision located at approximately 2300 West 700 North. This will...
Family Park General Plan Amendment
Lehi City wants to change a small section of Family Park from Public Facility to Low Density Residential (LDR) . This will allow for approximately eight single family lots the...
Bike and Ped Master Plan Map Updates
Lehi City proposes updates to the Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan Maps showing updates to the planned infrastructure. You can view the updated maps below or by clicking on the...
Development Code Amendment Chapter 26 Detached Garage Apartments
City Staff previously recommended to increase the maximum accessory building height for buildings with a dwelling (ADU) in them. The Planning Commission tabled the item sharing information on other things...
Hansen General Plan Amendment
Public hearing and recommendation of Jacob Hansen’s request for review of a General Plan amendment on 3-acres located at 2029 West 900 North, changing the designation from VLDRA (very low...
Lehi Indoor Tennis & Pickleball Facility Concept
Public hearing and consideration of Jacob Hansen's request for approval of the Lehi Indoor Tennis & Pickleball Facility Concept located at 2029 West 900 North.
The proposed concept shows an...
SOA Plat 1
Howard Cooke is proposing the SOA Plat 1 preliminary subdivision located at Blue Sky Road and Orinda Drive. This proposed subdivision will include four commercial lots and a road connection...
Lamb Property General Plan Amendment
Public hearing and recommendation of Jami Ray's request for review of the Lamb Property General Plan Amendment, changing the designation from MDR (medium density residential) & Mixed Use to just...
Thayn Flag Lot
Alan and Jinhee Thayn request approval of the Thayn Flag Lot Conditional Use located at 1519 North 300 West. Flag lots are conditional use because they allow the Planning Commission...
Lehi Plaza Pylon Sign
Ethan Moon requests approval of a pylon sign next to the new Fabulous Freddy's Car Wash located at 1085 East Main Street. The proposed sign is 25 feet tall and...
X Development Concept
The applicant asks for a PUD (planned unit development) with 66 single family lots and a two-acre commercial parcel. The current zoning is A-5 which allows for 5-acre agricultural lots...
DR Horton Temporary Construction Trailer
DR Horton requests to put a construction trailer on their property by the Micron Plant. The trailer will hold construction equipment.
DPWW Office Building Concept
Eric Woodley requests approval of the DPWW Office Building Concept. A proposed four-story office building located across the street from strap tank.
Taylor Meadows Plat B
The applicant is requesting preliminary subdivision review and recommendation of the Taylor Meadows Phase II Subdivision. The proposed subdivision will include 22 single-family lots in the R-1-22 zone. The proposed...
Gardner Point Phase 2
The applicant requests review and recommendation of the Gardner Point Phase 2 Preliminary Subdivision. The proposed subdivision is a residential development consisting of single-family homes, townhomes, condominiums, and open space...
Lehi Dental Center Sign
The applicant is requesting approval of a conditional use permit to allow for an existing monument sign to be upgraded with an electronic display sign (EDS) for Lehi Dental located...
CTR General Plan Amendment
The applicant is requesting review and recommendation to amend the General Plan land use designation of this approximately 13-acre property from VLDRA (Very Low Density Residential Agriculture) to VLDR (Very...
Parks Virtual Open House
You can provide feedback on Family Park or Mellor Rhodes Park online. There was also an in person open house on June 17th.
Click on the links below to leave...
Family Park
Provide feedback on the family park concept plan. Are there things you like about it or would want to be different? Please leave comments below. All comments will be considered...
Mellor-Rhodes Park
Provide feedback on the Mellor-Rhodes concept plan. Are there things you like about it or would want to be different? Please leave comments below. All comments will be considered by...
Quick Quack Carwash Concept
Lone Star Builders submitted a concept plan for a new Quick Quack Car Wash on 1200 West. The concept shows a carwash building and a smaller drive-thru building.
The concept...
Cedar Hollow 2-Lot
Concord Homes wants to create two lots from one existing lot. They plan to tear down the existing home and build two new homes. Their plans also include a public...
Vivian Estates Phase 4 Zone Change
JDH Development applied to change 13.4 acres of property from the TH-5 (transitional holding) zone to RA-1. RA-1 lots have a minimum 15,000 square foot size.
The location next to...
X Development Zone Change
The applicant is seeking review and recommendation of a proposed zone change from A-5 to R-1-Flex and Neighborhood Commercial for approximately 20 acres located at approximately 2100 N 2300 W...
Beck's Landing Zone Change
The applicant is seeking review and recommendation of a proposed zone change from A-1 to R-1-22 for 10.48 acres located 1080 North 2300 West. The applicant proposes to eventually develop...
Gurney Zone Change
The applicant is seeking review and recommendation of a proposed zone change from TH-5 to R-1-22 for approximately 1.17 acres located 1199 West 900 North. This zone change is consistent...
Beck's Landing Concept
The applicant requests review and recommendation of a proposed concept plan for Beck’s Landing, a 16-lot residential project located at 1080 North 2300 West.
A proposed zone change to R-1-22...
Holbrook Place Phases 5 & 6
This applicant is requesting review and recommendation of the Holbrook Place Phase 5 and 6 preliminary subdivision. The proposed layout consists of 102 single-family residential lots, open space, and connections...
Farm House Lane Concept
The applicant requests review and recommendation of a proposed concept plan for Farm House Lane subdivision, a five lot project that is located at 1080 North 2300 West.
The concept...
Gerber Plat C Preliminary Subdivision
The applicant wants to create 3 single family lots that are a minimum of 15,000 square feet. The existing home will remain on a 3.13 acre lot.
Hardman West Zone Change
The applicant is seeking review and recommendation of a proposed zone change for the Hardman West Corner Zone Change. This proposal is to amend the zoning of this property from...
Lehi Terrace Concept Plan
The applicant provides a concept that shows 39 small single family lots. The applicant wants to do it as a Planned Unit Development (PUD) which allows for smaller lot areas...
Hardman Corner Concept
The applicant requests review and approval of the Hardman Corner Concept, a commercial development located at 4700 West 2100 North. This concept plan is being submitted concurrently with a zone...
Lehi Terrace General Plan Amendment
The applicant wants to change the General Plan designation on this property from Neighborhood Commercial and Very Low Density Residential to Medium Density Residential.
The very low density allows about...
PODS Outdoor Storage Use
The applicant is requesting approval of a conditional use permit to allow outdoor storage at 5025 West Hudson Way for PODS Enterprises. Outdoor storage is a conditional use in the...
Vivian Estates Phase 3 Preliminary Subdivision
The applicant wants to create 22 single family lots next to the Dry Creek Corridor. The smallest lot is 13,800 square feet and the largest is 42,800 square feet. This...
Chapter 26- Accessory Building Height
The applicant requests review and recommendation of a proposed amendment to Chapter 26 of the Development Code. The proposed Development Code amendment specifically addresses accessory structure heights.
The amendment is...
Legacy View Plat A 2-Lot Subdivision
The applicant is requesting review and recommendation for the Legacy View Plat A two-lot subdivision with an existing home. This is an existing home on a 0.42-acre parcel located at...
Myers' Zone Change
The Myers are proposing a zone change from R-1-12 to R-1-8. That will lower the lot size requirement from 12,000 square feet to 8,000 square feet. The Development Code requires...
Development Code Amendment 23- EMD Signs
The applicant requests review and recommendation of a proposed amendment to Chapter 23 of the Development Code. The proposed Development Code amendment addresses two separate situations within the Chapter relating...
Tropical Smoothie Cafe Concept
Tropical Smoothie Cafe wants to build a new building off of 1200 West and approximately 2550 North, across the street from the new Holiday Oil and just south of an...
Karren Zone Change
The applicant is seeking review and recommendation of a proposed zone change from RA-1 to R-1-Flex for 0.73 acres located at 105 South 500 West. This zone change is consistent...
Lehi Pointe Phase 4 Concept
The Lehi Pointe Phase 4 Concept plan is located at approximately 3450 North Digital Drive in a Commercial Zone. The concept includes a seven-story condominium tower, a plaza with open...
Garden Park Concept
The applicant requests review and recommendation of a proposed concept plan for Garden Park Subdivision, a four-lot project that is located at 515 South 100 West. A proposed zone change...
Holiday Oil Monument Sign
Holiday Oil wants to put a monument sign with electronic display price changers for their new gas station on 1200 West. The monument sign meets the City Requirements as does...
Transwest Billboard Conversion
The applicant is requesting approval of a conditional use permit to allow for an electronic messaging display (EMD) sign conversion for an existing billboard located at 255 East State Street...
Garden Park Zone Change
The applicant is seeking review and recommendation of a proposed zone change from A-1 to R-1-Flex for 1.5 acres located at 515 South 100 West. This zone change is consistent...
Longhorn Meadows Subdivision
The applicant is requesting review and recommendation of the Longhorn Meadows preliminary subdivision, a 14-lot residential subdivision located at approximately 400 South 1300 West. A zone change to R-1-Flex was...
Shiny Shell Car Wash and Grease Monkey Concept
The applicant requests approval of the Shiny Shell Car Wash & Grease Monkey concept plan located at 1053 South 1100 West in a Commercial Zone. The commercial zone allows for...
MDT Zone Change
The applicant is seeking review and recommendation of a proposed zone change from A-1 to R-1-22 for 5.115 acres located at 1565 West 1220 North. This zone change is consistent...
Smith's Flag Lot
The applicant is requesting approval for a conditional use permit to allow a flag lot on a 0.40-acre parcel located at 77 East 300 South. Flag lots are a conditional...
Jeffery Flag Lot
The applicant is requesting approval for a conditional use permit to allow a flag lot on a 1.24-acre parcel located at 689 West 1200 North. Flag lots are a conditional...
600 East Family Park Zone Change
Lehi City requests to change the zoning from TH-5 to R-1-12 on 4.29 acres on the west side of 600 East and Airport Drive.
The City Council approved the General...
Sunset Meadows Subdivision
The applicant is requesting review and recommendation of the Sunset Meadows Plat B preliminary subdivision, a 3-lot residential subdivision located at 1980 West Snow Spring Drive.
The subdivision will consist...
Chapter 26 Amendment- Access Requirements Detached ADUs
Lehi City requests an update to regulations for detached ADUs. The updates will allow more flexibility in where the address is placed so it can be seen from the street...
Summers' Home Zone Change
The Summers request a zone change from transitional holding (TH-5) to R-1-15. The TH-5 zone does not allow for any new buildings. The R-1-15 zone allows for 15,000 square foot...
Basement Apartment (ADU) Development Code Amendment
The State passed legislation in March of this year outlining how a city can and cannot regulate an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU). You can find a link to that House...
Center Pointe Towns Preliminary
Patterson homes wants to build 23 townhome units near the Center Pointe Shopping Center and future Dry Creek Lake Park. The proposed subdivision has already received concept approval. In addition...
Bailey Property Concept
The applicant is requesting review and recommendation of a 37-lot PUD mixed unit type residential concept located at 815 South 1100 West. A proposed General Plan amendment to Low Density...
Rocky Mountain RV Site Plan
The applicant is requesting approval of a conditional use permit for Rocky Mountain RV Sales and Rentals located at 612 North Locust Lane. The property is zoned mixed-use and automobile...
Bailey Property General Plan Amendment
The applicant is requesting review and recommendation to amend the General Plan land use designation of this approximately 10.33-acre property from VLDRA (Very Low Density Residential Agriculture) to LDR (Low...
PUD and PRD Development Code Amendment
The applicant requests review and recommendation of proposed amendments to Chapters 16 and 17 of the Development Code. The proposed amendments address open space in PUDs and PRDs.
Language was...
Lehi Brownstones Concept
The applicant is requesting review and recommendation of the Lehi Brownstones concept, a 7-unit townhome project located at 396 North 500 West. A proposed General Plan amendment to High Density...
Morgan Property Zone Change
The applicant is seeking review and recommendation of a proposed zone change from RA-1 to R-2 on 2.57-acres of property located at 105 South 1100 West. This zone change is...
Lehi Brownstone General Plan Amendment
The applicant is requesting review and recommendation to amend the General Plan land use designation of this approximately 0.42-acre property from MDR (Medium Density Residential) to HDR (High Density Residential).
Trinnaman Lane Zone Change
The applicant is seeking review and recommendation of a proposed zone change from A-1 to RA-1 on 1-acre of property located at approximately 1200 N Trinnaman Lane. This zone change...
Longhorn Meadows Zone Change
The applicant is seeking review and recommendation of a proposed zone change from TH-5 to R-1-Flex for five acres located at approximately 400 South 1300 West. This zone change is...
Bullock Flag Lot and 2 Lot Subdivision
This previously received approval in 2017. The approval expired and so the applicant has applied to receive new approval.
The proposed flag portion of the lot is in the R-1-12...
Sunset Meadows Plat B
The applicant is requesting review and recommendation of the Sunset Meadows Plat B Concept, a 3-lot residential subdivision located at 1980 West Snow Spring Drive.
The concept plan will consist...
Thurman General Plan Amendment
The applicant requests changing the General Plan Designation from Very Low Density Residential to Low Density Residential. The applicant has stated that their intent is to create a flag lot.
Longhorn Meadows Concept
The applicant is requesting review and recommendation of the Longhorn Meadows concept, a 15-lot residential subdivision located at approximately 400 South 1300 West. A proposed zone change to R-1-Flex was...
Development Code Amendment- Driveway Length Requirements
The City requests an update to the Development Code to the table of bulk and intensity and Planned Unit Development and Planned Residential Development Chapters.
The proposed amendment to the...
Lotus Vaseo Townhomes
The applicant requests review and recommendation of the Lotus Vaseo one lot preliminary subdivision plan to be located at 225 South 600 East. This application follows the Pine Springs Concept...
Lewis Landing Industrial Site Plan
The applicant is requesting approval of the Lewis Landing Industrial Site Plan and Conditional Use Permit. The proposed site plan includes two warehouse buildings, a truck loading/unloading area, and parking...
Johnson General Plan Amendment
The applicant is requesting review and recommendation of the Johnson General Plan Amendment. The proposal is to amend the General Plan land use designation of this property from Neighborhood Commercial...
The Lofts at Holbrook Farms
The applicant requests review and recommendation of The Lofts at Holbrook Farms located at 2700 North Redwood Road. The proposed development has 240-townhomes, guest parking, and related amenities. The proposed...
Cold Spring Storage Site Plan and Conditional Use
The applicant is requesting review and consideration of the Cold Spring Storage site plan and conditional use. This plan is for a commercial storage unit development. The plan shows three...
Thacker Farms 2-Lot Subdivision
The applicant is requesting approval for a two-lot subdivision with an existing home located at 900 North 2300 West. The two-lot subdivision shows the lot with the existing house to...
General Plan Update
City Council tabled this item directing staff to look at the impact ADUs might have on the City. This will be discussed at the December work session meeting. The General...
Bike Month is Coming!
May is Bike Month! We will have a wide variety of events for you to participate in and we want your feedback on what events are of most interest to...
Swingle ADU
The applicant is requesting approval of a conditional use permit for to allow for the conversion of an existing structure to a detached accessory dwelling unit on their property located...
1st Storage Annexation TH-5 Zoning
The applicant wants to annex 3.85 acres of property into Lehi City. The property currently has the Lehi 1st Storage units on it. The applicant is requesting to come into...
Development Code Amendment- Dual Action Applications
The applicant requests review and recommendation of a proposed amendment to Chapter 10 Development Applications and Procedures. The proposed Development Code amendment would serve to expedite needed Public Facility projects...
Lehi Terrace Preliminary
The applicant proposes 39 single family lots with open space.
The 39 lots ranging in size from approximately 4,300 to 8,500 square feet. The overall density is 4.62 units per...
Jeffery Zone Change
The applicant is seeking review and recommendation of a proposed zone change from RA-1 to R-1-Flex for 1.24 acres located at 689 W 1200 N. This zone change is consistent...
Myer's Flag Lot
The applicant wants to do a flag lot at 2269 North 600 West in an R-1-12 zone.
The applicant previously submitted an application for a zone change from R-1-12 to...
All About Fuel and Food Electronic Sign
The applicant is requesting approval for the All About Fuel & Food EMD monument sign upgrade. The applicant intends to upgrade the existing monument sign to include electronic display.
Park Place Suites General Plan Amendment
The applicant wants to change 0.51- acres located at 2600 North 1200 West from Commercial to Mixed-Use. The Mixed-Use zone will allow a mixture of commercial and residential uses.
Micron East Annexation TH-5 Zoning
DR Horton wants to annex 111.5 acres currently in the county into Lehi City to be included in the Micron Area Plan. The Lehi City Council already approved a resolution...
Park Place Suites Concept
The applicant wants to build a mixed use building with an office space and six residential units at 2600 North 1200 West.
The applicant is also proposing a General Plan...
Vista's at the Point Preliminary
GWC Capital proposes a 404 unit transit oriented development (TOD) at approximately 3000 West Traverse Mountain Boulevard.
The 404 units include townhomes and apartments. As well as a master planned...
Fort Street Zone Change
The applicant wants to change to zoning from transitional holding (TH-5) to Commercial and R-1-10 Residential on the parcel located at 3300 North 1200 West.
The current TH-5 zoning dose...
RAAS Zone Change
The applicant is seeking review and recommendation of a proposed zone change from TH-5 (transitional holding) to R-3 (high density residential) on 5-acres of property located at approximately 1850 North...
Heart of Country Swing Conditional Use
The applicant requests approval of a public dance hall conditional use for the Heart of Country Swing. The proposed use will go inside an existing building located at 3940 North...
Carla's Cove Zone Change
The applicant is seeking review and recommendation of a proposed zone change from A-5 (agriculture) to R-2 (medium density residential) on 2.82-acres of property located at 2402 Main Street. This...
Somerset Hills Preliminary
The applicant requests review and recommendation of the Somerset Hills preliminary subdivision located at 795 East 760 North in the R-1-8 zone. The proposed subdivision includes five single family lots...
Carla's Cove Concept Plan
The applicant requests review and recommendation of the Carla’s Cove concept plan, a six-lot residential development located at 2402 West Main Street. A proposed zone change to R-2 was submitted...
Silicon Slopes Storage Concept
The applicant provided a very basic conceptual layout of storage units located at approximately 4300 North Digital Drive. The applicant also submitted for a General Plan Amendment to Mixed-Use. You...
Hardman Corner General Plan Amendment
The applicant is requesting review and recommendation of the Hardman Corner General Plan Amendment. The proposal is to amend the General Plan land use designation of this property from Commercial...
The Falls at the Point General Plan Amendment
The applicant wants to change the General Plan designation from Commercial to Mixed-Use on 11.1 acres located at approximately 4300 North Digital Drive.
The City Council just adopted the comprehensive...
Chamberlain Zone Change
The applicant is seeking review and recommendation of a proposed zone change from RA-1 to MU (mixed use) for 0.19 acres located at 57 South 500 West. This zone change...
Osmond Design Concept
The applicant wants to build a new building for furniture sales located at 3275 North Outlet Parkway to the east of the Strap Tank.
The concept plan shows the building...
Bushman Property Zone Change
The applicant is seeking review and recommendation of a proposed zone change from RA-1 to R-1-Flex for 7.16 acres located at 1610 West 700 South. This zone change is consistent...
Elevens 2-Lot Subdivision
The applicant requests approval of a two-lot subdivision with an existing home on a 1.24-acre parcel located at 689 West 1200 North.
The subject property is in the R-1-Flex zone...
Bushman Concept
The applicant is requesting review and recommendation of the Bushman Property concept, a 21-lot residential subdivision located at 1610 West 700 South. A proposed zone change to R-1-Flex was submitted...
Marion's Surgical Center Sign Upgrade
The applicant requests approval of a conditional use permit for an upgrade to the existing pylon sign located at 310 North 850 East. Marion Surgical Center hopes to retrofit the...
Sanctuary Zone Change
Salt Development proposes a zone change from Commercial to Transit Oriented Development (TOD) at 2601 West Slipstream Avenue.
The proposed zone change includes a Land Use Plan that shows 527...
River Point Phase 1 Preliminary Subdivision
The proposed development is requesting to be built as a Planned Unit Development (PUD). This allows for clustered development which may include smaller lots but also includes open space. It...
Sanctuary Concept Plan
Salt Development has plans to build a five story apartment building at 2601 West Slipstream Avenue. The building will include 527 high end apartment units. It will also have a...
Thanksgiving Station Concept Plan
The applicant has submitted a new concept plan that is different from the one that was denied in December 2021. When the City Council denied it they gave them some...
Holbrook Farms Quick Quack Car Wash Concept
The applicant requests approval of the Holbrook Farms Quick Quack Car Was concept plan located at 3800 West 2100 North. The concept plan shows a car wash, vacuum stalls, a... -
Bushman Preliminary Subdivision
The applicant is requesting review and recommendation of the Bushman Preliminary Subdivision, a 21-lot residential subdivision located at 1610 West 700 South.
The preliminary subdivision plan will consist of 21...
Traverse Mountain Area Plan Amendment- Public Facilities
Lehi City wishes to amend the Traverse Mountain Area Plan to show existing and planned public facility uses. This will ensure that these areas are preserved for public uses that...
Lehi City Tree Planting Standards
This amendment was initiated by the Lehi City Parks Department to help improve the quantity and diversity of species of trees within Lehi City. The changes are also being proposed...
Lamb Property Zone Change
The applicant is seeking review and recommendation of a proposed zone change from R-2 to MU (mixed use) for 0.54 acres located at 1190 North 500 West. This zone change...
Kohler's Market Remodel
The applicant requests approval of a site plan for a remodel to Kohler’s Market, including a conditional use permit for a drive thru facility for the pharmacy located at 300...
Lone Peak Land Zone Change
The applicant is seeking review and recommendation of a proposed zone change from A-1 to R-1-22 for approximately 13.05 acres located at approximately 1700 West 1500 North. This zone change...
Cold Spring Ranch Area Plan Amendment
The applicant is requesting review and recommendation of an area plan amendment to the Cold Spring Ranch Area Plan. The proposed area plan amendment is requesting seven changes to the...
Lone Peak Land Concept
The applicant is requesting review and recommendation of the Lone Peak Land concept, a 20-lot residential subdivision located at approximately 1700 West 1500 North. A proposed zone change to R-1-22...
Mammoth Zone Change
The applicant wants to change the property at 26 South 2300 West from TH-5 zoning to Commercial. TH-5 zoning is a holding zone. It does not allow for property to...
Myers Detached Accessory Dwelling Unit
The Myers want to convert an existing garage in their backyard into an accessory dwelling unit (ADU).They will use approximately 1/3 of the building for the ADU and it will...
Carla's Cove Preliminary Subdivision
The applicant proposes to develop a 13 lot single family development at 2402 West Main Street.
The proposed lots range from just under 8,000 square feet to just over 13,000...
Shiny Shell Car Wash and Grease Monkey
The applicant requests approval of the Shiny Shell Car Wash & Grease Monkey site plan and conditional use located at 1053 South 1100 West in a Commercial Zone. The commercial...
Housing Affordability in Lehi- Developer Perspective
We know you have a unique perspective as a developer in Lehi City. We want feedback from you on housing affordability in Lehi specifically. There are just a few open...
X Development Concept
The applicant is requesting review and recommendation of the X Development 2100 North Subdivision Concept located at 2100 North and 2300 West. The applicant has indicated in their narrative that...
JD Olson Property General Plan Amendment
The applicant is requesting review and recommendation to amend the General Plan land use designation of this approximately 5.1-acre property from VLDRA (Very Low Density Residential Agriculture) to LDR (Low...
JD Olson Property Concept
The applicant is requesting review and recommendation of the JD Olson Property concept, a 16-lot residential subdivision located at approximately 1550 South 1100 West. A proposed General Plan amendment to...
Public Facility Zone Change
Lehi City seeks review and recommendation of a proposed zone change to Public Facilities for multiple public properties within the city. These properties include Exchange Park, Dairy View Park, Littlefield...
Brixton Lehi Concept
The applicant wants to build a warehouse development located at 1553 North Boston Street. The proposed building is 12,000 square feet with six separate units.
The City Council previously approved...
Tagg N Go Concept
The applicant proposes a car wash development located at 2050 North 3600 West. The concept plan shows a building with an indoor washing area and vacuums. It also shows a...
Redline Machine Utah Conditional Use
The applicant is requesting approval for an automobile service and repair conditional use located at 1550 N State Street Unit B. The proposed conditional use is for an automotive engine...
Hansen Flag Lot
The applicant is requesting review and recommendation for the JJR Tennis Club two-lot subdivision with an existing home. This is an existing home on an approximately 4.97-acre parcel located at...
Development Code Amendments to Chapters 1-10
City Staff reviewed the first 10 chapters of the Development Code and made minor changes. Below are a list of the changes. You can also few the marked up changes...
Salomon Addition Annexation
The applicant requests approval to annex 1.05 acres into Lehi City with proposed R-1-22 zoning.
As part of the Lehi City annexation procedures, all annexation requests are required to be...
Lehi Brownstone's Zone Change
The applicant is seeking review and recommendation of a proposed zone change from R-2 to R-3 for 0.42 acres located at 396 North 500 West. The zone change is consistent...
Cold Spring Ranch HD3
The applicant is requesting review and recommendation of the Cold Spring Ranch HD3 Preliminary Subdivision located at approximately 4000 West Orinda Drive. This subdivision consists of 38 rear-load townhomes, 11...
River Point Concept
The applicant requests review and recommendation on the River Point Subdivision concept plan. The proposed development is requesting to be built as a Planned Unit Development (PUD). It would be...
Maverik Electronic Display and Pylon Signs
The applicant wants to put a pylon sign with electronic display for the gas prices and also a monument sign with electronic display gas prices. This is for the new...
Lehi Terrace Zone Change
The applicant wants to change the zoning from transitional holding (TH-5) to medium density (R-2) at approximately 2900 North 1200 West. Transitional Holding is a zone that indicates no water...
Bullock Annexation Zoning
The applicant wants to bring 1.33 acres of property into Lehi City located at 578 West 2100 North. The applicant first proposed R-1-15 (15,000 square foot lots) zoning which is...
ProSteel Customs Conditional Use
The applicant was made aware they need a conditional use permit for the business they have been operating at 2322 West Main Street. The conditional use application is for a...
McDonalds Concept Plan
The applicant wants to build a McDonald’s located at 3643 West 2150 North. The proposed development falls within the Holbrook Farms Area Plan, which designates this area as Commercial/Office. The...
Cold Spring Ranch MD4 Preliminary
The applicant wants to build 90 single-family lots, which is within the allowed range designated in the Cold Spring Ranch Area Plan. The lots range in size from approximately 4,000...
Smith Holdings Plat A
The applicant requests approval of a two-lot subdivision with an existing home on a 0.40-acre parcel located at 77 East 300 South.
The subject property is in the R-2 zone...
Beck's Landing Preliminary Subdivision
The applicant wants to build a 16-lot residential subdivision located at 1080 North 2300 West.
The preliminary subdivision plan will consist of 16 single family lots on a total of...
Whisper Hollow Estates
The applicant wants to build a 20-lot residential subdivision located at 1700 West 1500 North.
The preliminary subdivision plan consists of 20 single family lots on a total of 13.06...
Kiene Addition Annexation
The applicant wants to zone five acres of property R-1-22 at 7521 North 8000 West. The proposed R-1-22 zoning allows the property to come into the City and develop as...
Johnston Zone Change
The applicant wants to rezone 0.996 acres from R-1-12 to R-1-8 at 2301 North 600 West. This will change the required lot size from 12,000 square feet to 8,000 square...
Sunrise Office Building Concept
The applicant wants to build an office building next to Central Bank on Sunrise Way. The applicant provided the location of parking, planted medians, a sidewalk connection and the building...
May 2022 Bike Month!
We have three main activities happening this year.
Staff Bike Tour Saturday May 14th at 9am There are 1 mile and 4.5 mile kid friendly options. The tour will mainly...
Radmall Decorative Fence
The applicant has an existing 8 foot art wall fence in his yard. He was unaware of the need to apply for a conditional use permit for fences above 6...
Family Park Estates
The applicant wants to construct a nine-lot development located at approximately 600 East and Airport Drive in an R-1-15 zone.
The proposed lots meet the frontage and lot size requirements...
Gordon General Plan Amendment
The applicants request review and recommendation of the Gordon General Plan Amendment from Very Low-Density Residential Agriculture (VLDRA) to Neighborhood Commercial (NC) on 1.63-acres located at 860 North 2300 West.
Lehi Gordon Childcare Concept
The applicant requests approval of the Lehi Gordon Daycare Concept located at 860 North 2300 West. The current zoning of A-1 would not allow for a child daycare, but a...
2100 North Subdivision
The applicant requests review and recommendation of the 2100 North Preliminary Subdivision located at 2100 North and 2300 West. This preliminary subdivision is the next step after approval of their...
Dubois Lot Plat A
The applicant is requesting review and recommendation of the Dubois Lot Plat A 1-lot preliminary and final subdivision located at 1192 North Trinnaman Lane.
The applicant has a multi-phase plan...
Lewis Farms Holbrook State Center Concept
The applicant requests review and approval of the Lewis Farms Holbrook Stake Center concept plan located at 3951 West Waterbury Drive. This concept plan is for a church building and...
Shadow Ridge Park Open House
The parks department wants preliminary feedback on a concept plan for the Shadow Ridge Park (3050 W Traverse Mountain Boulevard). All feedback is welcome and will be reviewed and considered...
Willow Park Dog Park - OPEN HOUSE September 21!!
The Parks Department is holding an in-person on-site open house for the Dog Park at Willow Park on Wednesday, September 21st from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm. Bring your...
Cold Spring Business Park Concept
The applicant is asking for approval of a concept plan located at Orinda Drive and Redwood Road. The proposed concept includes five buildings of flex office space, two buildings of...
Denzeler Zone Change
The applicant is seeking review and recommendation of a proposed zone change from RA-1 to MU (mixed use) for 0.38 acres located at 37 South 500 West.
This zone change...
Kelly General Plan Amendment
The applicant is asking to change the General Plan Land Use Designation on their property from Very Low Density Residential (VLDR) to Neighborhood Commercial (NC) This lot is 1.08-acres in...
Wagner Drive Thru Conditional Use
The applicant requests review and approval of the Wagner Drive Thru Site Plan and Conditional Use located at 600 West State Street. The site plan shows the layout of the...
2100 North Self Storage Concept
The applicant requests review and approval of the 2100 North Self Storage concept plan. The concept plan is for multiple self-storage buildings. The “storage units (non-climate controlled)” use is a...
Home Occupation Development Code Amendment- Dog Grooming and Permanent Cosmetics
Lehi City requests review and recommendation of a Development Code amendment to Chapter 20, Home Occupations, clarifying prohibited home occupations and adding a maximum number of clients for animal-related home...
Harmony Townhomes Plat D Concept Plan
The applicant requests review and recommendation of the Harmony Townhomes Plat D concept plan. The concept plan is for 30 townhome units. This development would be an additional phase of...
Thurman Zone Change
The applicant requests a zone change from RA-1 to R-1-Flex at 805 and 913 East Cedar Hollow Road.
The existing RA-1 zoning has a minimum lot size of 15,000 square...
Johnston Preliminary Subdivision
The applicant wants to subdivide an existing residential lot into 3 lots. The existing lot is located at 2301 North 600 West in an R-1-8 zone.
All of the lots...
Chapter 23 Civic Sign Approval Development Code Amendment
Lehi City requests review and recommendation of a Development Code amendment to Chapter 23, Signs, clarifying the sign approvals that are required to go to Planning Commission.
The amendment clarifies...
Lehi Medical Phase 2 Subdivision
Fort Street Partner's proposes a 7-lot residential subdivision located at approximately 1090 West 3300 North. The proposed single family lots range in size from just over 10,000 square feet to...
Skye Area Plan Addition (Draper Municipal Boundary Line Adjustment)
The applicants want to bring 1,035.49 acres currently in Draper into Lehi City. Lehi will better be able to provide services (water, sewer, police, fire) to the area. Bringing the...
Traverse Ridge East Concept Plan
Perry Commercial requests approval of a concept plan that includes future office and retail as well as parking structures. The concept is located at Sunrise Way and Morning Vista Road...
Development Code Amendment- Public Hearing for Concept Plans
City Staff is recommending a Development Code Amendment to change the public hearing requirements for concept plans. Currently all concept plans require a public hearing. Even though site plans and...
Parking Requirement Update for Townhomes and Condos
It has come to City Staff's attention that our existing parking requirements for multi-family (townhomes, condos, and apartments) have created some parking challenges, especially on the west side. Staff is...
Chapter 28 Resort Community Amendment
Thanksgiving Station LLC proposes a change to Chapter 28 Resort Community. The biggest change is to the percentages of resort, commercial and residential uses.
This amendment is being proposed after...
Development Code Amendments to the Mixed-Use Zone
Lehi City Planning Staff is proposing several changes to the Code to add residential to the Mixed-Use Zone.
A breakdown of the proposed changes in each Chapter is given below.
Table 37.080 Multi-Family Parking Requirements Amendment
After receiving several complaints with parking issues on the west side of Lehi, City Staff created a survey on this website to gain feedback from residents. These proposed changes are...
Skye Lehi Addition General Plan Designation
DR Horton is proposing different General Plan Land Use designations for the 1,035.49 acres proposed to come from Draper into Lehi. You can learn more about the municipal boundary line...
Skye Area Plan Second Amendment Concept Plan
DR Horton proposes adding 880 acres currently in Draper into the Skye Area Plan. This concept represents the first step to amend the area plan to include these additional acres.
Skye Area Plan (amending Micron Area Plan)
The proposed Skye Area Plan amends the existing Micron Area Plan. The proposed area encompasses approximately 844 acres surrounding the existing Texas Instruments Building. The majority of the Area Plan...
Kelly Zone Change
The applicant wants to change 1.08-acres located at 3055 North 1200 West from Residential Agriculture (RA-1) to Neighborhood Commercial (NC).
The Transportation Master Plan shows 1200 West as a major...
Moderate Income Housing Plan Goals, Policies and Timeline
Lehi City proposes updates to their Moderate Income Housing Plan Goals, Strategies and Timeline. The proposed goals are to comply with the State requirements. The proposed goals include:
1. The...
River Point Phase 2 Preliminary Subdivision
The applicant is requesting review and recommendation of the River Point Phase 2 Preliminary Subdivision. The proposed development is requesting to be built as a Planned Unit Development (PUD). It...
Guzzle Drive-Thru Concept
The applicant requests review and approval of the Guzzle Drive-Thru concept plan. The proposed concept plan is for a soda shop with a drive-thru. This property falls within the Holbrook...
Karren Zone Change
The applicant is seeking review and recommendation of a proposed zone change from RA-1 to R-2 for 0.73 acres located at 105 South 500 West. This property had an approved...
Utah Pool Builder Pool Outdoor Storage of Materials Conditional Use
Utah Pool Builder LLC has been storing pools at this site located at approximately 4300 North Digital Drive and requests approval to continue their use. The outdoor storage of materials...
200 East Strata Network Shelter
This proposed network shelter is one of the first steps to the City providing Fiber. The shelter will be a small structure with a roof. It will also include a...
2375 West Strata Network Shelter
This proposed network shelter is one of the first steps to the City providing Fiber. The shelter will be a small structure with a roof. It will also include a...
North Point Substation 8 Foot Fence
Lehi City Power requests an 8 foot tall precast wall to provide no climb protection to their power substation. Similar walls have been used around other substations and examples have...
Cold Spring Ranch Substation 8 Foot Fence
Lehi City Power requests an 8 foot tall precast wall to provide no climb protection to their power substation. Similar walls have been used around other substations and examples have...
Harmony Townhomes Phase 4 Preliminary Subdivision
Arive Homes proposes the next phase of their townhomes in Cold Spring Ranch. The subdivision includes 30 townhomes, all rear load. It also includes open space with a loop sidewalk.
Gemstone Zone Change
The applicant is seeking review and recommendation of a proposed zone change from RA-1 to R-3 for 1.33 acres located at 690 East 200 South. This zone change is consistent...
Anderson Property No. 1 Annexation Zoning
As part of the Lehi City annexation procedures, all annexation requests are required to be reviewed by the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission’s responsibility is to review the proposed annexation...
BCP Annexation Zoning
As part of the Lehi City annexation procedures, all annexation requests are required to be reviewed by the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission’s responsibility is to review the proposed annexation...
Clark Main Street Concept
The applicant requests approval of the Clark Main Street Concept plan located at 1064 West Main Street in a proposed Mixed-Use Zone. The concept plan includes a vertical mixed-use building...
Clark Main Street General Plan Amendment
The applicant requests review and recommendation on the Clark Main Street General Plan Amendment from Neighborhood Commercial to Mixed Use on 1-acre located at 1064 West Main Street. The property...
Davis Main Street Concept
The applicant requests approval of the Davis Main Street Concept plan located at 1054 West Main Street in a proposed Mixed-Use Zone. The concept plan includes a vertical mixed-use building...
Davis Main Street General Plan Amendment
The applicant requests review and recommendation on the Davis Main Street General Plan Amendment from Neighborhood Commercial to Mixed Use on 0.82-acres located at 1054 West Main Street. The property...
Portable Storage Container in Public Facility Zone Development Code Amendment
The applicant requests review and recommendation of a proposed change to the Table of Uses to add Portable Storage Containers as a permitted use in the Public Facility zone. The...
Dominion Energy 8-foot fence
The applicant requests approval of the Dominion Energy Regulator Station located at 7500 W 8020 N (approx. 890 East 700 South) in the A-5 zone. The Development Code lists Public...
Downtown Civic Campus Zone Change
The applicant is seeking review and recommendation of a proposed zone change for various City owned properties from R-3 and Mixed-Use to Public Facility located in the Downtown area between...
Fire Department Access to Construction Sites Design Standards Amendment
The applicant requests review and recommendation of a proposed change to the Design Standards and Public Improvements Specifications Manual Section 3.09- Fire Department Access to amend the requirements to provide...
Bellaview Place Concept Plan
The applicant provided a concept plan showing five commercial buildings located at the corner of 1200 West and 3200 North. Most of this property is zoned Commercial. The southern part...
Jones 7-foot Fence Conditional Use
The applicant wants to place a 7 foot fence in the backyard area of their home. They want to put a chain link fence with privacy slats and also grow...
Mobile Food Vendors Development Code Amendment
The State passed legislation this year updating the State Code to allow Mobile Food Vendors to obtain one business license and then operate in any city throughout the State. Staff...
All Seasons Assisted Living General Plan Amendment
The applicant requests review and recommendation on the All Seasons Assisted Living General Plan Amendment from VLDRA to Neighborhood Commercial on 1.52-acres located at 322 and 344 North 2375 West...
Historic District Site Plan Review Development Code Amendment
The applicant requests review and recommendation of a proposed change to Chapters 11 and 37 of the Development Code to add that development projects in the Historic District shall receive...
McBride 8-foot Fence
The McBride's want to place an eight-foot fence at their house at 370 East 500 North.
All fences greater than six feet in height require a conditional use permit. The...
Good and the Beautiful General Plan Amendment
The applicant wants to change the General Plan Land Use Designation from Mixed Use to Heavy Commercial on 9-acres located at 700 South Mill Pond Road.
The property is currently...
Good and the Beautiful Concept
The applicant requests review of the Good and the Beautiful Concept Plan, a proposed commercial project on a 9-acre property located at 700 South Mill Pond Road. The plans show...
Owen Duplex
The applicant wants to build a duplex at 984 North 500 West. The Code specifies that this is a conditional use which means it is an allowed use but the...
Clubhouse Parking Requirement Development Code Amendment
Lehi City proposes adding a requirement for residential clubhouse parking. The proposed amount is 1 stall per 300 square feet of the clubhouse and 1 stall per 200 feet of...
Park Place Suites Zone Change
The applicant wants to change the zoning on this property located at 2600 North 1200 West from Commercial to Mixed-Use. The applicant has stated their intent to build an office...
Gurney Zone Change
The applicant wants to change the zoning on this property located at approximately 1730 N Boston Street from TH-5 (transitional holding) to Light Industrial. The developer has discussed building a...
UTA Five Year Service Plan
The Utah Transit Authority is updating their five year service plan.
You can learn about the 2023-2027 year service plan here
UTA provides transit...
Family Park All Abilities Playground
Please join us for an open house TODAY October 19th from 5-7pm in the Broadbent Room (128 North 100 East). This open house will cover the design of the All...
Ken Garff Porsche Development Code Amendment
The applicant wants to amend the Lehi City Development Code Section 24.030. Currently legal non-conforming uses (uses that were allowed but no longer meet zoning requirements) cannot expand their land...
Stack Storage Concept Plan
The applicant wants to build an indoor storage building at 2651 West Chapel Ridge Road. This is a conditional use in the Traverse Mountain Area Plan, which means that the...
Baker Zone Change
The applicant is seeking review and recommendation of a proposed zone change from A-1 to RA-1 on 1-acre of property located at 818 West 1220 North. This zone change is...
Legacy Center Rooftop Cell Antenna
The applicant is requesting approval of a permitted use site plan for a new rooftop sled-mounted antenna on the city-owned Legacy Center property located 123 North Center Street.
The applicant’s...
Strata Network Portable Storage Containers
The applicant is requesting approval of a conditional use permit for the use of portable storage containers on the city-owned property located at approximately 1351 South 1100 West.
The property...
Smart Cookies Academy General Plan Amendment
The applicants request review and recommendation of the Smart Cookies General Plan Amendment from Very Low-Density Residential Agriculture (VLDRA) to Neighborhood Commercial (NC) on 2.06-acres located at 1910 West 900...
Shadow Ridge Park Portable Storage Container
The Lehi City Water Department purchased a large number of secondary water meters. The State is requiring that irrigation water is metered which has led to a large demand for...
Public Works Portable Storage Containers
The Lehi City Water Department purchased a large number of secondary water meters. The State is requiring that irrigation water is metered which has led to a large demand for...
Skye Preliminary Plat A
The applicant proposes the first phase of the Skye Area Plan. Including 183 townhomes, 28 twin homes, and 171 single family homes located at approximately 3950 North and Center Street.
Jordan Walk Towns
The applicant is proposing to develop 60 townhome units at approximately 3600 West Hardman way. The proposed development will be built as an R-3 development and is not requesting to...
Gardner-Plumb Main Street Concept Plan
Gardner-Plumb is proposing a concept plan for a 214-unit residential development located at approximately 2500 West Main Street. The space would include townhomes, condominiums, and single-family homes. They are also...
Holbrook Industrial Placemaking Sign
The applicant requests review of a conditional use placemaking sign for Holbrook Industrial at Hudson Way and Redwood Road. The total size of the parcel is 20 acres and is...
Lehi Frontrunner Station Area Plan
UTA and Lehi City propose a station area plan for the UTA owned land by the Frontrunner Station. The plan includes 200 apartment units- most of them affordable. It also...
Gardner-Plumb Main Street General Plan Amendment
The applicant requests review and recommendation on the Gardner-Plumb Main Street General Plan Amendment from Very Low Density Residential Agriculture to Low Density Residential on 50-acres located at approximately 2500...
Westlake Emergency Center Pylon Sign
The applicant is requesting review of a conditional use Pylon sign for the Westlake Emergency Center at 700 North Redwood Road. The sign is 25 feet in height and has...
Thanksgiving Point Pylon Sign
The applicant is requesting review of a conditional use Pylon sign for Thanksgiving Point at 2851 North Triumph Boulevard. The proposed height of the sign is 74 feet and has...
Dog Park Multi-Family Amenity Development Code Amendment
Lehi City requests amendments to Chapter 37 of the Code as well as Table 37.070. The proposed change will add dog parks as a stated potential amenity for multi-family developments...
Portable Storage Container Development Code Amendment
Lehi City requests review and recommendation of a Development Code amendment pertaining to Portable Storage Containers in Chapters 12, 26, and the Table of Uses for residential and nonresidential zones...
Fox Shop 2 Concept Plan
The applicant requests approval of the Fox Shop 2 Concept located at 461 North 500 West in a Light Industrial zone. The proposed office warehouse use is a permitted use...
Final Plat with No Improvements Development Code Amendment
Lehi City requests a Development Code Amendment to add application requirements for subdivisions with no improvements. These types of subdivisions are used to change ownership but not build anything. They...
Revised Moderate Income Housing Goals, Strategies, and Timeline
The City recently adopted updated Goals, Strategies and Timelines based on new State Code. The State reviewed the proposal and sent back changes that needed to be made. Those changes...
Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan Regional Bike Facilities
Updates to the Bike and Ped Plan Map, see documents.
Fox Canyon Plats A1 and I1 Preliminary
The applicant wants to build 41 single family lots at approximately 5400 North Fox Canyon Road.
City Council previously approved a concept plan for this area. The proposed preliminary subdivision...
Fox Canyon Townhomes Plats J1 and L1 Preliminary
This proposed preliminary plat includes the J1 and L1 areas with a total of 143 units per acre. The Traverse Mountain Area Plan allows a lot of flexibility with this...
Good and Beautiful Zone Change
The applicant wants to change to existing A-5 zone to Mixed-Use located at approximately 700 South Mill Pond Road. The proposed zone change matches the General Plan designation of Mixed-Use...
Ridge Shopping Center Future Phase Concept
The applicant proposes a conceptual layout on 19.55-acres for future retail, restaurants, and 125 apartment units.
The concept plan shows several future retail pads with drive-thrus. These drive-thrus will require...
Water Efficient Landscaping Development Code Amendment
Lehi City requests changes to the Development Code to add water efficient landscaping requirements.
This comes from a model ordinance provided by Central Utah Water Conservancy District (CUWCD) with some...
Holbrook Farms Area Plan Amendment
Ivory Development wants to amend the Holbrook Farms Area Plan. There were residential units west of Redwood Road that they would like to move to the east side where it...
Mammoth Holding's Zone Change
The applicant wants to change zoning on the property located at 26 South 2300 West. The zoning is currently TH-5 (transitional holding) which has no development rights. They want to...
Skye East Zone Change
DR Horton is requested to change the zoning from transitional holding (TH-5) to Planned Community (PC).
This land was already approved as part of the Skye Area Plan. The Land...
Skye Substation Grading Permit
DR Horton requests approval of a grading plan for a future substation. The project is on their property and will not include hauling any material away from the site. The...
Lamb Annexation R-1-22 Zoning
As part of the Lehi City annexation procedures, all annexation requests are required to be reviewed by the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission’s responsibility is to review the proposed annexation...
Planning Commission Chapter 3 Development Code Amendment
The applicant requests review and recommendation of a Development Code amendment to Chapter 3 (Administration) and the Lehi City Municipal Code. The amendment seeks to remove redundancy from the Development...
Floor and Décor Outlets Concept Plan
The applicant requests approval of the Floor & Decor concept plan located at 405 South Mill Pond Drive. The concept includes 8.63 acres of building supply retail, parking, and open...
Bed and Breakfast Development Code Amendment
The applicant requests review and recommendation of a Development Code amendment to Chapter 12- Development Standards. The amendment seeks to make the standards for Bed and Breakfasts consistent with the...
Arias General Plan Amendment
The applicant is requesting to amend the General Plan land use designation of this property from Neighborhood Commercial to Heavy Commercial on 1.97-acres located at 7944 N 9550 W or...
Updates to Residential Uses and Bulk and Intensity Development Code Amendment
Lehi City requests review and recommendation of a Development Code amendment pertaining to the Residential Zoning Districts in Chapters 5 Table of Uses and the Table of Bulk and Intensity...
Bike Parking Development Code Amendment
Lehi City proposes changes to the bicycle parking requirements. Currently developments have to provide 5% of the required car parking spots for bike parking. Meaning if an office has to...
Marwood Zone Change
The applicant is seeking review and recommendation of a proposed zone change from Mixed Use to TOD (Transit Oriented Development) on 0.84 acres of property located at 301 East State...
Capital Real Estate General Plan Amendment
The applicant is requesting to amend the General Plan land use designation of this property from Low Density Residential to Neighborhood Commercial on 1.74-acres located at approximately 1800 North 2300...
Everbrook Academy Child Care Concept
The applicant requests review and recommendation of the Everbrook Academy Child Care Concept plan to be located at approximately 1800 North 2300 West. This report will discuss the use, concept...
Skye Area West Side Grading Permit
DR Horton requests approval to start grading the area approved in their Skye Preliminary Plat A. This area includes 144 acres.
Lehi Fire Station 84 Zone Change
The applicant would like to change the zoning of parcel 58:025:0035, the westernmost parcel in the image below, located at approximately 3600 West 1500 North. The zoning is currently TH-5...
Lehi Commercial Concept
The applicant is requesting approval of the Lehi Commercial Concept Plan located at 3701 West 2150 North in the Holbrook Farms Planned Community zone. The proposed commercial buildings with drive-thru's...
Lehi Pioneer Plaza Zone Change
The applicant is seeking review and recommendation of a proposed zone change from R-1-22 to Commercial on 0.09 acres of property located at approximately 1000 South 1300 West. This property...
GPA and Zone Change at 975 South 1350 West (LEHI CITY Z-ACT OPEN SPACE)
The applicant is seeking review and recommendation of a proposed general plan amendment and zone change from Very Low Density Residential Agricultural (VLDRA) to an Open Space (OS) land use...
Downtown Spacing Overlay Development Code Amendment
The applicant requests review and recommendation of the proposed amendment to Chapter 37 of the Development Code, modifying the Downtown Spacing Overlay regulations. This came in response to a new...
Coombs' Corner 2 Lot Subdivision
The applicant requests review and recommendation of the proposed Coombs Corner Preliminary and Final Subdivision, a 2-lot residential subdivision located approximately 1765 North 1100 West in a R-1-Flex zone.
Spring Creek Substation Cell Tower
The applicant is requesting conditional use approval of the Spring Creek Substation Cell Tower located at approximately 1555 South 300 East in a Public Facility zone. The Commission should consider...
Kelly Development Code Amendment- Dog Care Facilities and Mobile Services in NC
The applicant wants to change the code to allow Dog Care Facilities in the Neighborhood Commercial Zone and adding Mobile Personal Services to the regulations for food trucks.
The applicant...
Cold Spring Business Park Site Plan
The applicant is seeking approval to build an office/warehouse facility with flex office space on 10 acres located at 4105 West Cold Spring Drive. This project is within the Cold...
Jeff Olsen Zone Change
The applicant is seeking review and recommendation of a proposed zone change from Mixed Use to Heavy Commercial on 1.10 acres of property located at approximately 830 & 850 W...
Mill Place Park Outdoor Storage Conditional Use
The applicant is requesting conditional use approval for an irrigation pipe and materials storage enclosure located at 305 South 850 East that will replace four parking stalls. The proposed conditional...
Arias Zone Change
The applicant is seeking review and recommendation of a proposed zone change from R-1-22 and TH-5 to Neighborhood Commercial on 1.98 acres of property located at approximately 2300 West Pioneer...
Main Street Meadows Zone Change
Gardner-Plumb is requesting a zone change for the 50 acre property located at approximately 2500 West Main Street from A-5 to R-1-22. This is to eventually create a residential subdivision...
Wiggy Wash Zone Change
Mammoth Holdings is requesting to change the zone of a property located at 78 South 2300 West from R-2 to Commercial to facilitate the construction of a car wash. This...
Wiggy Wash Concept
Mammoth Holdings is proposing a concept plan for a car wash located at approximately 78 South 2300 West with exceptions requested. This car wash spans both parcels along the corner...
Dry Creek Common Municipal Boundary Adjustment
Highland proposes to change the municipal boundary between the two cities, to move approximatley 1.6 acres into Highland.
The proposed parcels are owned by Highland City and contain utilities that...
Chapter 15 Land Use Plan Development Code Amendment
City Staff proposed changes to Chapter 15 to include clarifying language about the approval process for Mixed-Use and TOD developments including land use plans and a pubic hearing at Planning...
Serenity Studios Development Code Amendment
Serenity Studios requests changes to the nonresidential table of uses and to the definitions to add a light body art use. This use would allow for tattoo and piercing businesses...
Sanati General Plan Amendment
The applicant wants to change the General Plan Designation on his property at 460 North 1200 East from Low Density Residential to High Density Residential.
The applicant submitted a concept...
Lehi Tactical Concept Plan
The applicant wants to build a mixed commercial use building with the main use being an indoor shooting range. It also includes retail stores, a gym, classroom space, a restaurant...
Skyridge Property General Plan Amendment
Property located at approximately 260 East 2700 North. It is currently used as a practice field, but Alpine School District is selling the land. The applicant wants to change the...
Skyridge Subdivision Concept Plan
The applicant proposes a subdivision including 8 residential lots. The lots are just over 15,000 square feet to over 23,000 square feet in size.
The Code will also require them...
Development Code Amendment Height of Fences on Retaining Walls
A proposed Development Code Amendment to add clarity that a six foot fence can be placed on a retaining wall unless it is in a sight triangle area.
You can...
Development Code Amendment- 2 Family Dwelling Design Requirements
Removing two- family dwellings from the design requirements for multi-family in order to comply with State Code requirements.
Ask a question or leave a comment below.
Myers' 8-foot fence
The Myers' want to place an 8 foot fence along a portion of their southern property line located at 2265 North 600 West. The proposed location will be outside of...
Spring Creek Substation Cell Tower
The applicant is requesting conditional use approval of the Spring Creek Substation Cell Tower located at approximately 1555 South 300 East in a Public Facility zone.
Chapter 12 of the...
Alpine Bible Church Concept
The applicant requests approval of the Alpine Bible Church concept plan located at 710 West Main Street. The proposed use is a mixture of uses with the primary use being...
Cold Spring Retail Site Plan
Gardner is requesting review of the Cold Spring Retail site plan and conditional use at 4222 West Orinda Drive. They are proposing two retail buildings that will each have drive-thru's...
Mendenhall Estates Group Homes
The applicant withdrew this application.
The applicant is requesting conditional use approval of a reasonable accommodation exception for the Mendenhall Estates Group Homes project located at 230 West 400 South...
Griffith Estates Zone Change
The applicant is seeking review and recommendation of a proposed zone change from A-5 to R-1-22 on 3.43 acres of property located at approximately 300 E 1630 S. The General...
Griffith Estates Concept
The applicant requests approval of the Griffith’s Estates Subdivision Concept plan located at 300 E 1630 S. The proposed use is nine townhome units. The applicant proposes the conceptual subdivision...
General Plan Amendment to Only Allow Amendments once a year
The applicant is requesting to amend the General Plan Land Use Element, adding language that limits amendments to the plan to once a year.
The proposed amendment includes language that...
ADU Affordability Analysis
Lehi City is evaluating the impact of Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) on housing affordability. We are conducting research on their role in providing affordable housing to citizens. This survey is...
Holbrook Industrial Building 5
The applicant requests approval of the Holbrook Industrial Building 5 Site Plan located at approximately 4886 West Hudson Way in a Planned Community zone.
The site consists of four separate...
Olsen Development Code Amendments- Concrete Manufacturing
The applicant requests review and recommendation of a proposed development code amendment to Chapter 39 definitions and Table 05.030.B to add a Small Haul Concrete Manufacturing Use. The applicant utilized...
View 21 Flex Office General Plan Amendment to Heavy Commercial
This item has been pushed to a future meeting at the Developer's request.
The applicant is requesting to amend the General Plan land use designation of this property from Commercial...
Clark Zone Change
The applicant is seeking review and recommendation of a proposed zone change from A-1 to RA-1 on 1.46 acres of property located at 1460 North 1700 West. The General Plan...
Transit Oriented Development For Sale Housing DCA
A proposed amendment to the Development Code requiring that 10% of housing in Transit Oriented Developments (TODs) be for sale product. In other words not all rentals. The City Council...
Accessory Building Height and Setback Requirements DCA
Proposed amendments to Chapter 26 of the Development Code. The changes are listed below:
- All accessory buildings must meet building and fire codes
- Internal ADUs must have a physical connection...
3 Story Height Limit for Historic Downtown DCA
A proposed amendment that states that the first floor of buildings on Main Street, State Street and 100 East will have space for nonresidential uses on the first floor. It...
Group Home Requirements DCA
A proposed amendment clarifying the application requirements for Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Facilities. Specifically it states that this use is not allowed in residential zones. This does not apply to...
Site Plan at Planning Commission Requirements DCA
A proposed amendment to make more site plans staff level approval. Site plans seeking exceptions or that are conditional use will go to Planning Commission for review. Site Plans are...
Bicycle Parking Requirement Changes DCA
Proposed changes specifying the type of bike racks that are allowed. It also includes a bike parking table that lists the amount of both short and long term parking spaces...
Cedar Hollow Plat M
The applicant wants to build a seven lot subdivision located at 1475 East 1800 North. The lots are all over a third of an acre or 15,000 square feet in...
Lehi Flats 2-Lot Subdivision
The applicant requests approval of a two-lot subdivision with an existing home on a 0.41-acre parcel located at 293 East 200 South.
The subject property is in the R-2 zone...
Fox General Plan Amendment
The applicant is requesting to amend the General Plan land use designation of this property from Medium Density Residential to Light Industrial on 2.73-acres located at 501 and 535 North...
Dry Creek Village Zone Change
The applicant is seeking review and recommendation of a proposed zone change from TH-5 to MU (Mixed Use) on 16 acres of property located at approximately 1450 South 1100 West...
Gurney Manor Flag Lot
The owner wants to divide their lot in two at 1018 North 700 East. Both lots will be close to a half an acre in size. And the flag lot...
Thanksgiving Point Area Plan Comprehensive Amendment
The applicant requests review and recommendation of a comprehensive amendment to the Thanksgiving Point Area Plan. The amendment is for the entire 800 acres of property but is primarily focused...
Cold Spring Storage Phase 2 Site Plan
The applicant requests review of a conditional use site plan for Cold Spring Storage Phase 2 located at 4193 West Orinda Drive. This will be climate controlled indoor storage that...
View 21 East Retail Site Plan Drive-Thru Conditional Use
The applicant requests approval for the View 21 East Retail Pad site plan located at 3526 West 1940 North. The applicant is proposing two drive-thru’s for their site plan; one...
Dry Creek Village Concept
The applicant requests approval of the Dry Creek Village Land Use Plan with Concept plan located at 1450 South 1100 West. The Concept Plan is for the first phase which...
East Main Street Retail Conversion
The applicant wants to change an existing auto repair business located at 1325 East Main Street into a retail business. Retail is a permitted use in the Commercial Zone.
Development Code Amendment Comprehensive Definitions
The applicant requests review and recommendation of a proposed development code amendment to Chapter 39, Definitions. The proposed development code amendment is a comprehensive update meant to bring the Code...
Lehi Historical Markers
Through a PARC Grant and a generous donation from HADCO Construction, the Lehi Historical Society and Archives and Lehi City will be installing 36 historical markers around Lehi over the...
1/3 Acre Detached ADUs Development Code Amendment
The City proposes a change to allow detached accessory dwelling units (ADUs) on third acre lots. ADUs are separate living quarters that can be rented to people who are not...
Twin Homes in R-2 Zone Development Code Amendment
Lehi City proposes changes to allow twin homes in the R-2 zone. Twin homes are attached single family. Each side is individually owned on its own lot. Duplexes are on...
Skye Second Area Plan Amendment
The applicant proposes a second amendment to the Skye Area Plan. The first amendment was approved in August 2022 and recorded in December 2022. The second area plan amendment concept...
Neighborhood Commercial Drive-Thru Development Code Amendment
The applicant requests review and recommendation of a proposed development code amendment to Table 05-030-B, Table of Uses- Nonresidential Zones. The proposed text amendment specifies that drive through facilities incidental...
Tagg-N-Go 70-foot Flagpole
Tagg-N-Go is proposing a 70-foot flag pole at their location on 2100 North. Flagpoles over 50 feet are a conditional use. The Planning Commission may place reasonable restrictions on this...
Smart Cash Conditional Use
The applicant is requesting conditional use approval for a cash checking business located at 525 South 850 East, Suite 3.
The proposed conditional use is for Smart Cash LLC, who...
Skyridge Field Zone Change
The applicant is seeking review and recommendation of a proposed zone change from PF (Public Facility) to RA-1 (Residential/Agriculture) on 4.07 acres of property located at approximately 260 East 2700...
Vivian Estates Phase 4
JDH Development asks for preliminary subdivision approval for 22 lots ranging in size from 15,000 square feet to over 30,000 square feet. These are located at approximately 600 East 2000...
Vivian Estates Phases 3 and 4 Grading Permit
JDH Development requests the Planning Commission to review and the City Council to approve a grading permit for 36 acres located at approximately 600 East 2300 North. The application includes...
Barnes 2-Lot Subdivision
The applicant requests approval of the Barnes Two-Lot Subdivision located at 552 West 1200 North in the RA-1 zone.
The proposed two-lot subdivision is not a flag lot, as both...
Recreation Vehicle Sales Development Code Amendment
The applicant requests review and recommendation of a proposed amendment to Chapter 12 and 39 of the Development Code. The main change is to add the clarification that indoor powersports...
Cascade Collision Repair Concept
Cascade Collision wants to build a new building to the west of their existing building. This use is allowed in the commercial zone and the site layout for the most...
Holbrook Farms Plat K Commercial Subdivision
Boyer is proposing a preliminary commercial subdivision at the north-eastern corner of 2100 North and 3600 West. It will be a five-lot commercial subdivision directly west of the new Primary...
Lehi City Master Transportation Plan Amendment
Lehi City is proposing an amendment to the Master Transportation Plan that would provide a connection to Redwood Road for Clubhouse Drive rather than having Clubhouse Drive only connect to...
Panera Bread Drive-Through Conditional Use
Howland Partners proposes a new Panera Bread building with a drive-through located at Stockton Lane and Hudson Avenue. Restaurants are an allowed use in the commercial zone and drive-throughs are...
Texas Instruments Skye Area Plan Amendment Concept
Texas Instruments has a concept plan showing changing the same area (roughly 25 acres) from the Tech Manufacturing Buffer in the Skye Area Plan to Tech Manufacturing Zoning that would...
Mceacharn Plat A 2-lot Subdivision
The applicant requests approval of a two-lot subdivision with an existing home on a 0.47-acre parcel located at 415 West 500 North.
The subject property is in the R-2 zone...
Mceacharn Flag Lot
The applicant is requesting approval for a conditional use permit to allow a flag lot on a 0.47-acre parcel located at 415 West 500 North. Flag lots are a conditional...
Homestead Estates 2-Lot Subdivision
The applicant requests approval of the Homestead Estates Two-Lot Subdivision located at approximately 1400 North 2020 West in the A-1 zone.
The proposed two-lot subdivision is not a flag lot...
Crump's 8 Foot Fence
The applicant requests approval of the Crump eight-foot conditional use fence located at 1383 S 1960 W.
All fences greater than six feet in height require a conditional use permit...
Hardman Heights Zone Change
Gardner Plumb has proposed to change the zone from Commercial to Heavy Commercial for 4551 West 2100 North. This is to facilitate the construction of a concept plan with four...
Hardman Heights Concept
Gardner Plumb has proposed a concept plan to place three office warehouse buildings and four retail buildings on 14.7 acres on 4551 West 2100 North. The office warehouse buildings are...
Chapter 37 Multi-Family Design Standards Exception
Lehi City is requesting to amend the Development Code to add an exceptions provision for the Multi-Family Design Standards in Chapter 37. This is to make the Code more consistent...
Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan Amendment
Lehi City wants to add a shared use path for bikes and pedestrians on the master plan. The trail will connect Dry Creek Elementary and the Dry Creek Trail. Adding...
Traffic Study Requirements Amendment to Design Standards
A proposed amendment to the Design Standards and Public Improvements Specifications Manual to add requirements for traffic studies. The proposed amendment specifies that any site plan or subdivision that will...
Animal Right Development Code Amendment
Lehi City proposes changes to allow more animal rights throughout the City. Below is a highlight of the changes.
- 2 Horses allowed on lots half an acre in size no...
BDL Structures Concept Plan
The applicant requests approval of the BDL Structures concept plan located at 675 West Main Street. The applicant proposes to remodel the existing home and turn it into a small...
Master Transportation Plan Amendment
Lehi City requests this amendment to the Master Transportation Plan adding a future off-shore freeway on the north side of Utah Lake.
Growth in Eagle Mountain and Saratoga Springs requires...
100 North Street Vacation
The applicant requests review and recommendation of the 100 North Street vacation on a portion of 100 North between Center Street and 100 East. This request is being made in...
Hardman Farms PUD Concept Plan
The Hardman family is requesting conceptual approval for a Planned Unit Development on 66 acres located at approximately 3400 West Indian Ford Drive. The desire is for the community to...
Jewel's Towing Site Plan
Anna Dolegiewicz requests locating her towing company at 4641 North Digital Drive in a light industrial zone. This area already has a towing and impound yard. It also is not...
TI Skye Area Plan Amendment
Texas Instruments requests an amendment to the Skye Area Plan, changing the location of 25.69-acres of the Technical Manufacturing Buffer. This will allow the future expansion of Texas Instruments facility.
Primary Children's Pylon Sign
Trademark Visual is requesting conditional use approval for a 25-foot pylon sign along 2100 North for the IHC Primary Children's Hospital. The applicant has stated this is to help patients...
Berry Property Zone Change
The applicant is seeking review and recommendation of a proposed zone change from Transitional Holding (TH-5) to Neighborhood Commercial on 1.18 acres of property located at 116 South 600 East...
TI Zone Change
Texas Instruments requests a zone change in connection to their Area Plan Amendment. The zone change will take 25.69 acres out of the Technical Manufacturing Zone into Planned Community...
Beacon Point Zone Change
The applicant requests review and recommendation of the proposed zone change from Commercial to Mixed-Use located at 1054 West Main Street. The proposed zone change matches the General Plan designation...
Beacon Point Concept
The applicant requests review and recommendation of the Beacon Point Concept plan located at 1054 West Main Street in the Mixed-Use Zone. The concept plan includes a three-story vertical mixed-use...
Marwood Group (Bateman) Concept Plan
The applicant requests review and recommendation of the Marwood (Bateman) Concept plan to be located at 301 East State Street. The applicant recognizes that the site plan will need to...
Off-Street Parking Requirement Changes
City Staff recommends a change that will remove an off-street parking proximity requirement when the townhome is next to on-street parking. Right now the parking is required to be within...
Larson Zone Change
The applicant requests review and recommendation of the proposed zone change for two parcels from Transitional Holding (TH-5) to Light Industrial (LI) located at approximately 1700 North Boston Street. The...
Freedom Truck Driving Vehicle Storage
Freedom Trucking School is requesting a conditional use for vehicle storage. Their use as a vocational driving school is permitted. The vehicle storage is conditional, meaning the public can give...
Bellaview Commercial Drive-Throughs
Jeff Southard wants to build several commercial retail buildings on the corner. These would include three drive-throughs. No exact tenants have been identified, and they would need to be allowed...
Kura Sushi and Flower Child Drive Through
Howland Partners is proposing a new commercial building including Kura Sushi and Flower Child. It will be located at approximately 2001 West Ridge Road. One drive-through will service the building.
Newbold Estates Zone Change
Dave Scoville proposes changing the zone from A-1 and R-2 to R-1-Flex on 7.3 acres of property located at approximately 600 North 500 West.
This proposed change aligns with the...
JMR Vehicle Storage Conditional Use
JMR wants to store a variety of large vehicles on their property located at approximately 4250 North Digital Drive. This parcel does not currently have water or sewer services so...
Private and Public Tree Requirements DCA
The City Forester, Jessica Smith, requests review and recommendation of proposed amendments to Chapter 35 of the Development Code on Community Forestry. Park Staff along with DRC reviewed Chapter 35...
Subdivision Review Process Development Code Amendment
Lehi City proposes changes to the Development Code changing the subdivision approval process. These changes come from State Code requirements.
The Planning Commission is now the land use authority for...
Athletic Instruction Home Occupation DCA
Lehi City is proposing to add language that clarifies the uses of the Home Occupation chapter to explicitly allow for athletic instruction. Further, staff also recommends changing the definition of...
Lakeview & Northridge Parks Design
We are initiating the design phase for two city park sites in Lehi's Traverse Mountain and value your input. Lakeview Park, boasting around seven acres of developable space, is positioned...
Willow Park Church Zone Change
The applicant is requesting a zone change for a 10.9 acre parcel located near 1500 North 2250 West. The current zone is TH-5 and they are proposing to change it...
Willow Park Church Concept
The applicant is proposing a concept plan for a LDS Stake Center located near 1500 North 2550 West. The applicant is requesting two exceptions to the Chapter 37 Nonresidential Design...
Trade Shop Development Code Amendment
When Chapter 39 of the Development Code was updated last year, the Trades Shop definition was eliminated because it was similar to Construction Service, Artisan Shop, and School-Vocational. The decision...
Sylvester Horses Conditional Use
The Sylveter's want to have two horses on their property located at 196 West 2875 North. The property is 0.59 acres in size in the R-1-15 zone. The Code allows...
Skyridge Subdivision Concept
Brent Ventura wants to build a five lot subdivision next to the driving range of Skyridge High School. The district sold the land last year. The lots are all larger...
Whitmore Vehicle Storage
James Whitmore has been storing vehicles on this property at approximately 4300 N Digital Drive. This application is to allow it. The Planning Commission can put reasonable conditions on the...
Utility Easement Application Requirements DCA
Lehi City proposes to add to the Code the requirement that all private open spaces and streets can be used for public utility easements. This has mostly already been happening.
Gordon Zone Change
The applicant is seeking review and recommendation of a proposed zone change from A-1 (Agriculture) to NC (Neighborhood Commercial) on 1.63 acres located at approximately 860 N 2300 W. As...
JDXIII Zone Change
The applicant is seeking review and recommendation of a proposed zone change from MU (Mixed Use) to C-H (Heavy Commercial) on 1.01 acres located at approximately 1070 West State Street...
Willow Park Zone Change
Lehi City is requesting to rezone two parcels just south of Willow Park from A-5 to Public Facility. This is to make the zoning map more consistent as Willow Park...
Pineda Zone Change
The applicant is seeking review and recommendation of a proposed zone change from RA-1 (Residential Agriculture) to Commercial on 0.65 acres located at 59 N 500 W. This will allow...
Hippocrates Subdivision Concept Plan
The applicant is requesting conceptual approval from the Planning Commission for a 12-lot single-family residential subdivision within the Jordan River Protection Overlay Zone. There will be connections to 1500 North...
Hippocrates Zone Change
The applicant requests review and recommendation of the Hippocrates zone change. This would change the zone from TH-5 to Neighborhood Commercial and R-1-Flex to facilitate the construction of a 12-lot...
Cammans Zone Change
The applicant is seeking review and recommendation of a proposed zone change from A-1 to R-1-22 on 0.61 acres of property located at approximately 1403 North 2020 West. The General...
Homestead Estates Plat Amendment
The applicant is requesting approval of a plat amendment to the Homestead Estates Plat B subdivision. This plat amendment is being proposed to change the subdivision from two lots to...
Bar and Liquor Stores DCA
Staff recommends a Development Code Amendment to Chapter 12, 39, and Table 05-030-B of the Development Code. Specifically, staff recommends the addition of the Liquor Store and Bar use to...
Telecommunications Definition DCA
Staff recommends a Development Code Amendment to Chapter 39 of the Development Code. Specifically, the proposed amendment includes minor modifications to the definitions related to utilities/telecommunications. This update is meant...
Lakeview Land and Rock General Plan Amendment
The applicant wants to change the general plan from Low Density Residential (LDR) to Heavy Commercial (HC) and Commercial (C). This would impact 12.18 acres at approximately 600 South and...
Meadow Point Plat Amendment
The applicant is requesting approval of a plat amendment to Meadow Pointe Subdivision Plat B. This plat amendment is being proposed to change the subdivision from four lots to seven...
Skyline Subdivision
Skyline Subdivision is a 5 lot- commercial development on 3.26 acres located at 1700 North Boston Street. The property is located in the Light Industrial zone, the lots range from...
Lehi Block Retail with Drive-Through
The applicant is submitting plans for Lehi Block retail and requesting a conditional use for a drive-through. The proposed use is located at 2255 North 1200 West (across from the...
Atkinson Zone Change
Steve Atkinson wants to change the zoning at his property at 498 North 900 East from RA-1 to R-1-Flex. This will allow him to put three houses on the parcel...
Anderson Zone Change
The applicant wants to change the zone from A-1 to R-1-22 on 2.77 acres located at approximately 206 North 1100 West.
The General Plan is Very Low Density Residential Agriculture...
Wilson 8-foot Fence
The applicant is requesting approval of an eight-foot conditional use fence located at 1455 North Sierra Way.
This is a conditional use because all fences greater than six feet in...
BCP Property General Plan Amendment
BCP Development wants to change the General Plan land use designation on their property of 14.67 acres located at approximately 1200 West 1450 South near Dry Creek Elementary. They want...
North Lake Commercial Park General Plan Amendment
JP&R Construction wants to change the general plan on 2.99 acres located at approximately 7700 North 8730 West. It is named the North Lake Commercial Park General Plan Amendment. They...
Gardner Plumb Main Street General Plan Amendment
Edge Homes would like to amend the General Plan Designation from Very Low Density Residential Agriculture (VLDRA) to Low Density Residential (LDR) on 51.5-acres located at approximately 2500 West Main...
Minimum Page Size Development Code Amendment
Lehi City is proposing to add a minimum page size requirement for all electronic submittals. The minimum page size requirement will be 22 x 34 inches. This is to be...
Private Landscaping Bond Development Code Amendment
Lehi City requests a change to the Development Code to take out the requirement for Private Landscaping in bonds. This is in response to a State Code change.
Usually Development...
Address Signs Exempt from Requirements
Many of the signs in Lehi have a review process. There is a section of Lehi city code that lists certain types of signs as exempt from review. Recently it...
Garrett's Way Zone Change
The applicant requests review of the Garrett’s Way Zone Change located at 450 East 200 South, changing the zoning on 0.63 acres from RA-1 (residential/agriculture) to R-2 (medium density residential)...
Hadco-Pacific Annexation Zoning
The applicant requests Light Industrial zoning for the Hadco-Pacific Annexation, approximately 10.63 acres (24.95 with UDOT parcels) located at approximately 2100 North 1450 West.
As part...
Temporary Signs Development Code Amendment
Lehi City is requesting a Development Code Amendment to Chapter 23, clarifying regulations on temporary signs. Specifically, to raise the allowed size for exempt temporary signs and clarify regulations on...
Grant's Corner Zone Change
The applicant requests review and recommendation of the Grant’s Corner Zone Change on 1.4 acres located at 90 North 500 West, changing the zoning from RA-1 (residential/agriculture) to Mixed ...
Grant's Corner Concept Plan
Grant's Corner is a proposed commercial building located on 1.4-acres at 90 North 500 West. The concept plan shows 6 warehouses with offices attached. There will also be 4 retail...
Skye Plat B Preliminary Subdivision
DR Horton is seeking approval for the next phase of Skye. This includes 61 single family homes and 271 townhomes. They also are requesting an exception to the maximum block...
Fence Height Exception Development Code Amendment
Lehi City wants to amend Chapter 12 of the Development Code to make things clearer. One change would allow staff to approve fences between six and eight feet where the...
Grandeur Estates Preliminary Subdivision
The applicant is requesting review and recommendation of the Grandeur Estates Preliminary Subdivision, a 9-lot residential subdivision located at approximately 1650 South Center Street.
The preliminary subdivision plan will consist...
Allison Zone Change
The applicant is seeking review and recommendation of a proposed zone change from TH-5 to RA-1 on 0.99 acres located at 2145 West 700 South. The zone change is consistent...
Skye West Side Grading Revisions
DR Horton previously had grading for 144 acres of property north of SR-92 and around Center Street. They are revising this grading to add 120 acres more acres. This area...
Wiggy Wash Concept Plan
Mammoth Holdings requests approval of the Wiggy Wash concept plan on 3.26 acres located at approximately 76 South 2300 West. This is the third rendition of a conceptual layout to...
Baur Companies Towing and Impound Yards
Baur Companies requests approval for a towing and impound yard at 4651 North Digital Drive. It will be in the Transwest property with the stone fencing around it. The area...
Innovation Park Revisions and Plat Amendment
Ivory Innovations is requesting approval of various revisions to the elevations for Innovation Park, and approval of a plat amendment for Innovation Park Phase 1. Specifically, the applicant desire to...
Home Occupations Code Amendments
Planning Staff recommends amending chapters 20 and 39 of the Development Code to define the amount of parking that can be allowed for a Home Occupation and adding the definition...
Coddington Detached ADU
The applicant seeks to renovate an existing building on their property into an ADU located near downtown at 444 South 100 West. This requires a conditional use permit because it...
Triple B Investment Group General Plan Amendment
The Applicant is seeking to amend the General Plan land use on 15-acres of property located at approximately 1630 South 500 East, changing the land use designation from ESA...
Texas Instruments LFAB2 Grading Permit
The applicant requests review and recommendation of the proposed Texas Instruments LFAB2 Grading permit located around the existing Texas Instruments building at 4000 North Flash Drive in the Technical Manufacturing...
Moderate Income Housing Goals Update
Utah State Code requires cities to have moderate income housing plans that are updated regularly. City Staff formed an internal committee to discuss different solutions for housing affordability. Staff also...
Design Standards and Public Improvements Amendments
Lehi City is requesting comprehensive updates to the Lehi City Standard Drawings. These updates include removing outdated information, such as equestrian trails from the Standard Trail details, and adding six-inch...
2-Lot Subdivision Approval Process DCA
Staff recommends amending Chapter 11 and Figure 15 of the Development Code to adjust and clarify the approval process for two-lot subdivisions with an existing home. The proposed code amendment...
Baum Flag Lot
Josh Baum wants to create a flag lot at 2655 North Center Street. The proposed lots will both be over half an acre in size. The two proposed lots meet...
Skye Plat C Preliminary
The applicant proposes phase C of the Skye Area Plan, the most eastern part of the development next to Highland. The proposed preliminary plat includes 369 Single Family Homes and...
Exchange Business Park Concept Plan
The applicant is requesting review of the Exchange Business Park Concept Plan, and is requesting exceptions to the Development Code. There will be eight proposed buildings ranging in size from...
Short Term Rental Parking DCA
Lehi city is proposing a development code amendment that clarifies the use of parking for short term rentals. This amendment will clarify that tandem parking (parking behind another vehicle) is...
Community Forestry Development Code Amendment
Lehi City is requesting a development code amendment that will change the tree height requirement over a street from 14 feet to 15 feet. This would prevent damage to foliage...
Detached ADU Development Code Amendment
Staff is proposing various amendments to Chapter 26 of the Lehi Development Code. Specifically, staff is proposing to define the minimum driveway width required for a detached accessory dwelling unit...
Access Management Design Standard Amendments
Lehi City Engineering is requesting to update the Access Management standards in the Lehi Design Standards and Public Improvement Specifications. These requests are to better align access management onto our...
ADA Design Standard Amendments
Lehi City is requesting updates to the ADA Lehi City Standard Drawings and the cul-de-sac standards. This request is part of the comprehensive set of updates that Engineering has been...
Exchange Business Park Zone Change
The applicant is proposing a zone change from R-3 Residential to Neighborhood commercial on 1.19 acres located at approximately 1500 North 3600 West. This zone change would be consistent with...
Holbrook Industrial Building 5 Grading Permit
The Applicant seeks a grading permit for Holbrook Industrial Building 5 located at the southwest corner of Hudson Way and Redwood Road.
The applicant has received approval on a site...
Bicycle Parking Table Development Code Amendment
Staff is proposing amendments to the bike parking requirements for clubhouses, churches, and manufacturing, industrial, and wholesale establishments, and adding additional notes at the end of the table. These amendments...
STRATA and Gardner Plumb Development Agreement
This item was withdrawn from this meeting and will be scheduled at a future time.
Edge Homes Zone Change Main Street
Edge Homes is requesting a zone change on 36.93 acres located at 2500 West Main Street. The requested change will go from A-5 agriculture to R-1-15 Single Family Residential. The...
Lehi City Zone Change Main Street
Lehi City requests a Zone Change from A-5 to PF (Public Facilities). This zone change would allow for an additional Public Works Facility to help Facilitate the Cities growth and...
Lehi City General Plan Amendment Main Street
Lehi City is requesting a General Plan Amendment to property located at 2500 W Main Street to change the designation from VLDRA(Very Low Density Residential Agriculture) to Public Facilities(PF) and...
Lehi, STRATA, Gardner Plumb Development Agreement
The applicant is seeking review and recommendation of the Lehi Strata Gardner Plumb Development Agreement. This agreement covers an approximately 50-acre parcel located at 2500 West Main Street. The agreement...
Temple View Villas Preliminary
Temple View Villas are a Preliminary Subdivision including 5 single-family residential lots located at 2800 North 260 East. This subdivision would be consistent with the surrounding single family home properties.
Thanksgiving Point Area Plan Amendment- Auto Repair
The applicant requests review and recommendation of a minor amendment to the 1999 Thanksgiving Point Area Plan. The amendment is to change automobile service and repair from “Not Permitted” to...
Lehi and Fox Brothers Development Agreement
Fox Brothers Development is seeking review of a development agreement for Grant’s Corner located at approximately 90 North 500 West. A concept plan was approved for this project, but a...
Dominion Regulator Station Site Plan
The applicant requests approval of the Dominion Energy Natural Gas Regulator Station site plan, a conditional use, located at approximately 11775 West Frontage Road in the A-1 zone. The proposed...
Wathen Estates Plat Amendment
The applicant requests approval of the Watson Acres Subdivision amending lot 7 of Wathen Estates Plat A. The applicant purchased property from another landowner and intends to combine the two...
Draper Addition Zone Designation
The applicant requests review and recommendation of a proposed zone change on 877.46 acres located at approximately 4400 North Horton Way. This is the land that came into the City...
Skye Area Plan Amendment- Civic Use Design Standards
The applicant requests review and recommendation of proposed amendments to the Skye Area Plan adding design requirements for the Civic Land Use areas. The proposed amendment will impact two properties...
TI LFAB2 Zone Change 2
The applicant seeks review and recommendation of proposed zone changes on two pieces of property located on the Texas Instruments site at 4000 North Flash Drive. The 16-acre piece to...
TI Skye Area Plan Amendment Boundary
The applicant requests review and recommendation of a proposed amendment to the Skye Area Plan switching the location of 16-acres of the technical manufacturing buffer. Rearranging the Skye Area Plan...
Allison Flag Lot
Earlier this year the applicant sought to change the zoning of this property and it is now part of the RA-1 zoning. The applicant currently seeks approval of the Allison...
Critical Homeownership Overlay Zone
A proposed new Development Code section outlining a process for the City Council to approve this overlay zone. A developer would guarantee that the home sale price will be at...
Diana Downs Zone Change
Diana Downs requests a zone change at 211 South 500 West on 0.73 acres from RA-1 (15,000 square foot lot minimum) to R-1-Flex (8,000 square foot lot minimum). This proposal...
Triple B Zone Change
The applicant wants to change the zoning from Transitional Holding(TH-5) to R-1-22 on 33.17 acres located at approximately 500 East 1630 South.
The transitional holding zone is for properties that...
Village Overlay General Plan Amendment
Lehi City wants to remove the Pioneer Village Overlay on 66 acres located at the southwest corner of 1100 West and Pioneer Crossing. It will keep the underlying General Plan...
Macey's Pharmacy Drive Through Conditional Use
Macey's wants to add a drive through for the pharmacy at the existing Macey’s store at 760 East Main Street.
Drive throughs are a conditional use, which means they are...
Pioneer Village Zone Change
The applicant is seeking review and recommendation of a proposed zone change from TH-5 to R-1-22 on 14.19 acres located at approximately 1200 West 1450 South. The zone change is...
River Point Phase 3A
Edge Homes is proposing a new PUD (Planned Unit Development) . The first phase of River Point was approved as a PUD on April 12, 2022. The Planning Commission and...
Skyline Commercial Subdivision Revision
The owner wants to change the number of lots on the previously approved Skyline Commercial Subdivision from 5 to 6. Adding one additional lot.
The divided lots will be just...
Adamson Flag Lot
A proposed flag lot at 1251 East 900 North in an RA-1 zone. The proposed lot with the existing home will be just over 15,000 square feet (third acre) in...
Tronson General Plan Amendment
The applicant desires to change 0.66 acres at 635 West State Street from Commercial to Heavy Commercial.
You can ask a question or leave a public comment below.
EV Auto Pylon Sign Conditional Use
EV Auto wants to place a pylon sign with electronic display on their site at 1060 West State Street. They are requesting a taller pylon sign than allowed by the...
Side Yard Setback Accessory Uses Development Code Amendment
Lehi City proposes a Development Code Amendment to allow a smaller setback for accessory building on a corner lot.
You can ask a question or leave a comment below.
Data Center Development Code Amendments
Lehi City proposes a Development Code Amendment to add Data Centers to the table of uses. They are proposed to be allowed in the Commercial, Heavy Commercial, Light Industrial, and...
Grading Requirements Development Code Amendment
Lehi City proposes amendments to the grading requirements. The proposal will require grading plans to show how the water will drain and the elevation of all the corners of lots...
Side Yard Setback Remodels Development Code Amendment
Lehi City is proposing to amend the side yard setbacks for single family homes that have been finished for more than two years in specific residential zones. This is to...
Micro Schools Home Occupations Development Code Amendment
Lehi City is proposing to amend Chapter 20 of the Development Code to include regulations surrounding microschools to be in compliance with State code. Specifically, microschools will be a permitted...
Huerta Subdivision Plat Amendment
The applicant is requesting approval of a plat amendment to the Huerta Subdivision Plat A. This plat amendment is proposing to vacate Lot 1 of the Huerta Subdivision and create...
Bowden General Plan Amendment
The applicant is requesting to amend the General Plan land use designation from Very Low-Density Residential Agriculture (VLDRA) to Low Density Residential (LDR). This is to facilitate the construction of...
Ember Hotel Concept
The person applying wants to build a hotel called the Ember Hotel and needs permission to change some rules.
The hotel will be on a small piece of land, about...
Ackley Detached ADU Conversion
The person applying wants to change an existing building on their property at 1088 N Trinnaman Lane into a detached ADU apartment. A detached ADU is allowed because their lots...
Seasons Estates Plat E
The Sheltons' want to adjust their property line with their neighbors. The properties that are impacted are at 4452, 4504, and 4516 North Summer View Drive. 4504 North will take...
Corner Setbacks for Remodels Development Code Amendment
Lehi Staff recommends amending the Development Code to reduce the side yard setback on corner lots for remodels after 2 years. This change would decrease the setback to 15 feet...
Side Yard Setback Detached ADU Development Code Amendment
City Staff recommends changing the side yard setback for Detached ADUs. The proposed change would allow the side of a detached ADU without a window to meet the standard setback...
Bailey's Pointe Plat D
The applicant wants to divide the property at 388 North 100 East into two separate lots. Both new lots will be larger than the required 8,000 square feet for this... -
Attainable Homeownership Overlay Zone
Lehi City is asking for review and approval of a new plan called the Attainable...
Thurman Flag Lot
A proposed flag lot is being considered for the properties at 913 and 939 East Cedar Hollow Road in an R-1-Flex zone. The goal of this proposal is to...
Valley Vet Clinic Concept Plan
The applicant is asking for approval of the Valley Vet Clinic Concept Plan at 3055 North 1200 West in the Neighborhood Commercial Zone. Normally, site plans are approved by...
Connectivity Standards Development Code Amendment
The applicant is requesting a change to Chapter 37 of the Development Code. The proposed change would add an exception to the rules for connecting nonresidential and residential areas...
Lehi Vet Clinic Concept Plan
The applicant is asking for approval of the Lehi Vet Clinic Concept Plan for a site at Hardman Way and Redwood Road, which is about 1.25 acres. They...
Boulder Landscaping Conditional Use
The applicant wants to store vehicles and equipment at 4651 North Digital Drive, which is in a light industrial area. This space was previously used by Trailer Source for trailer...
Hardman Crossing Plat Amendment
The applicant is asking to amend the Hardman Lehi Subdivision Plat A. They want to divide Lot 2 into two new lots (202 and 203) and rename Lot 1 to...
Gordon Zone Change
The applicant is asking for a zone change from A-1 (Agriculture) to NC (Neighborhood Commercial) and R-1-22 (half acres lots) on 1.63 acres at 860 N 2300 W. The property... -
Gordon Flag Lot Conditional Use
The applicant wants to build a flag lot at 1251 East 900 North. The proposed lots meet the rules for the RA-1 zone and flag lot requirements.
The Planning Commission...
Public Facility Zone Change
Lehi City is requesting a review and recommendation for a zone change to Public Facilities (PF) for several public properties, including trails, open spaces, and Family Park. This is part...
Cardenas Zone Change
The person is asking for approval to change the property at 610 East State Street from a residential area (R-2) to a commercial area. This will help the property owner...
New Star Development Plat Amendment
The applicant is asking for approval to change the New Star Commercial Subdivision Plat. The plan is to combine two empty lots into one. These lots are currently marked as...
Garden Park Zone Change
The applicant is asking to change the property at 500 South Center Street from A-1 to R-1-Flex. The property is 1.29 acres, and the city's plan allows this change.
EV Auto Pylon Sign Modifications
The applicant is asking to change the approval for a pylon sign with an electronic display sign (EDS) at the future EV Auto dealership and repair shop at 1060 W...
Barb Wire Development Code Amendment
Lehi City is asking for a review and recommendation to update Chapter 12 of the Development Code to clarify when barbed wire can be used.
Currently, barbed wire is allowed...
Holbrook Place Phase 12 Preliminary
Ivory Homes is asking for approval of the Holbrook Place Phase 12 subdivision, which will have 14 single-family homes. The subdivision follows the Holbrook Farms Area Plan, and it meets...
Curb Cart Concrete Conditional Use
The applicant is asking for approval to operate Curb Cart Concrete, a small concrete business, at 1709 North Boston Street. The business is allowed in the Light Industrial zone, but...
Willow Park Church Preliminary Subdivision
The applicant is asking for approval to create the Willow Park Church subdivision, which will have six lots. Two of these lots will be used for a future LDS stake...
Residential Table of Uses Development Code Amendment
Lehi City requests review and recommendation of a comprehensive Development Code amendment to the residential table of uses (Table 05.030-A). The updates to the table are a result of direction...
The Perfect Wag Site Plan
The applicant is requesting the approval of a conditional use permit to allow a dog care facility at the existing building located at 50 East Main Street. Dog care facilities...
Summer Crest Plat O Plat Amendment
Lehi City has worked with the owners of the lots at 780 East and 798 East 2200 North, to get an access put in for Family Park. The plat amendment...
Skyridge Cell Tower Conditional Use
Verizon wants to place a cell tower at Skyridge High School next to the baseball field. The High School requested it be a monopole with a chain link fence.
You... -
Sensapure Site Plan Conditional Use
Sensapure is asking for approval to operate in the Lewis Landing Industrial building at 4170 West 2100 North. They are a company that makes flavors for sports nutrition products, and...
Buffer and Screening Development Code Amendment
Lehi City wants to update Chapter 12 of the Development Code about buffering and screening rules. One change is removing the rule about "compatibility" because it's hard to really determine...
Inverness Community Placemaking Signs
DR Horton is asking for approval to put up project placemaking signs at three spots in the Inverness Planned Community. These signs are slightly bigger than regular monument signs and...
Holbrook Farms Area Plan Amendment
The applicant is asking to make a change to the Holbrook Farms Area Plan. The change would add a 7.15-acre piece of land to the plan and make part of...
Grading Development Code Amendment
Lehi City wants to amend Chapter 12-B of the Development Code on grading. The goal is to change the ways the City can fix problems when people grade or put...
Auto Sales and Rental Development Code Amendment
ProSteel Customs wants to change the Development Code to allow automobile sales and rental businesses in the Commercial Zone.
The applicant wants to rent U-Haul trailers on their existing parcel...
Heaton Zone Change
The applicant is seeking review and recommendation of a proposed zone change from RA-1 to R-1-Flex on 0.73 acres of property located at 285 S 500 W. The General Plan...
KAZ Design Build Zone Change
Lyndon Dangerfield wants to change the zoning from RA-1 (15,000 square foot lot minimum) to R-1-Flex (8,000 square foot lot minimum). on 0.99 acres. This zone change will allow them...