Beacon Point Concept
This item received a negative recommendation from the Planning Commission and will go to City Council on January 9, 2024 for approval or denial.

The applicant requests review and recommendation of the Beacon Point Concept plan located at 1054 West Main Street in the Mixed-Use Zone. The concept plan includes a three-story vertical mixed-use building with three retail suites and a residential hall on the first floor and residential units on the second and third floors. The proposed concept shows 17 residential units and 7,054 square feet of commercial space. The 17 residential units are split almost evenly between 1-bedroom and 2-bedroom units.
A concept plan was approved for this property in 2022 that showed a two-story building with six residential units. The proposed mixed-use zone and current General Plan designation does allow for the proposed uses, but the Planning Commission and City Council will need to determine if they are comfortable with the increase in residential density. The concept plan is what determines the density in the mixed-use zone.
The concept plan shows the building oriented towards Main Street. It includes surface parking with 55 stalls provided. The applicant expressed the intent to have shared parking between the retail and residential uses. The retail and residential uses have different peak use times and therefore shared parking would likely work. A parking study would be required for the approval of a shared parking agreement.
The applicant also included a set of elevations for the site. Full review of the elevations will take place with site plan review, but the building will need to meet the Urban Village non-residential design standards. The proposed elevations show the primary materials to be brick and glass with a secondary material of stucco. Additional wall and roofline variations will be required to meet the current Development Code standards as noted in the DRC comments.
Public Comments
This item received a negative recommendation from the Planning Commission and will go to City Council on January 9, 2024 for approval or denial.
Please approve this. These are the kind of projects that Lehi desperately needs, and the location is good, except the area is definitely going to need better sidewalks.
rhys borough