Lehi, STRATA, Gardner Plumb Development Agreement

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This item received a positive recommendation from the Planning Commission and will go to City Council on July 23, 2024.

The applicant is seeking review and recommendation of the Lehi Strata Gardner Plumb Development Agreement. This agreement covers an approximately 50-acre parcel located at 2500 West Main Street. The agreement would designate approximately 9 acres to Lehi City for the new Public Works facility and 5.8 acres to Strata. The proposed zoning and General Plan designation would be Public Facility for both the Public Works facility and the Strata Network facility. The proposed zoning and General Plan designation for the remaining 36 acres south of the Public Facility designation would be R-1-15 and VLDR, respectively, to facilitate residential development. A 20-foot public utility easement will serve as the continuation of the Power Line Trail that will be placed south of the Public Facility parcels to provide buffer between the Public Facility parcels and the residential development. A zone change application and general plan amendment application have been filed concurrently with this proposed development agreement to facilitate the construction of a new Public Works facility and Strata Network facility

The applicant is seeking review and recommendation of the Lehi Strata Gardner Plumb Development Agreement. This agreement covers an approximately 50-acre parcel located at 2500 West Main Street. The agreement would designate approximately 9 acres to Lehi City for the new Public Works facility and 5.8 acres to Strata. The proposed zoning and General Plan designation would be Public Facility for both the Public Works facility and the Strata Network facility. The proposed zoning and General Plan designation for the remaining 36 acres south of the Public Facility designation would be R-1-15 and VLDR, respectively, to facilitate residential development. A 20-foot public utility easement will serve as the continuation of the Power Line Trail that will be placed south of the Public Facility parcels to provide buffer between the Public Facility parcels and the residential development. A zone change application and general plan amendment application have been filed concurrently with this proposed development agreement to facilitate the construction of a new Public Works facility and Strata Network facility

Public Comments

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State Law requires the full name of all those who give comments. Please include your name with your comment.

You may wish to attend or watch the Planning Commission meeting when this item is discussed. You can watch it online at https://www.lehi-ut.gov/government/public-meetings/

This item received a positive recommendation from the Planning Commission and will go to City Council on July 23, 2024.

CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

I'm glad to see them connected some of the powerline trail to the Jordan Willows trails. I just hope they can have a little nature mixed in with payment and fences. More like reflection of Jordan Willows trails. With a little wild space for trees and wildlife.

DeSor 8 months ago