Wiggy Wash Concept Plan

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Consultation has concluded

Mammoth Holdings requests approval of the Wiggy Wash concept plan on 3.26 acres located at approximately 76 South 2300 West. This is the third rendition of a conceptual layout to go through the approval process. The applicant is requesting exceptions to the Chapter 37 Design Standards to allow for better use of the site, including exceptions to allow parking and drive-aisles between the building and the street for both Main Street and 2300 West. The applicant is also asking for an exception to the maximum setback of 25 feet as measured from the building to the property line.

The Planning Commission has to approve this concept plan if it meets code, however, since the applicant is asking for an exception to the Development Code, the public can comment on this item. The public can make recommendations to the developer with the understanding that the developer does not have to incorporate any of their feedback that is not required by Code.

Mammoth Holdings requests approval of the Wiggy Wash concept plan on 3.26 acres located at approximately 76 South 2300 West. This is the third rendition of a conceptual layout to go through the approval process. The applicant is requesting exceptions to the Chapter 37 Design Standards to allow for better use of the site, including exceptions to allow parking and drive-aisles between the building and the street for both Main Street and 2300 West. The applicant is also asking for an exception to the maximum setback of 25 feet as measured from the building to the property line.

The Planning Commission has to approve this concept plan if it meets code, however, since the applicant is asking for an exception to the Development Code, the public can comment on this item. The public can make recommendations to the developer with the understanding that the developer does not have to incorporate any of their feedback that is not required by Code.

Public Comment

Provide your official comment to be exported and shared at the Planning Commission Regular Meeting.

Please remember to be civil and respectful to all residents, all commentators, developers and the Commissioners in your comments. All comments will be moderated before they are posted to this site. If anything is offensive it will not be posted here. 

State Law requires the full name of all those who give comments. Please include your name with your comment.

You may wish to attend or watch the Planning Commission meeting when this item is discussed. You can watch it online at https://www.lehi-ut.gov/government/public-meetings/

Consultation has concluded
CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

We own a townhome behind the 7/11. We are concerned about the noise and traffic this will may add to the residents of the Gray Frams community. We already have too many car washes in the area including new ones nearby. We do not need yet another new car wash. Put it somewhere else where it will not disrupt established residents. It's not a good fit for this area.

sokol99 10 months ago

I live behind the 711 on 2300 and Main. I am greatly concerned about the traffic this will cause on an already too busy street.
Car washes are bright and loud, this will disrupt my family's day to day life. We are trying to live a happy and peaceful life here in Lehi and this will drive my family out. There is a carwash being built west of this proposal right now, and another that was just built on Pioneer. ANOTHER carwash is not needed or wanted. This is not what the residents of Lehi want, we are the public this would be built for, and we do not want it.

Kkenney 10 months ago