General Plan Update
The General Plan was approved. You can view the updated General Plan Land Use Element at
City Council tabled this item directing staff to look at the impact ADUs might have on the City. This will be discussed at the December work session meeting. The General Plan will go back to the City Council to vote after the new year.
Thank you for everyone who has already provided feedback. All feedback on the map was provided to Staff and included in the DRC comments given to the Planning Commission.
The General Plan directs future zoning and ultimately what gets built. You can learn more information about the General Plan and the process we have gone through at our previous website
It can be hard to understand exactly what is happening and what everything means. Please feel free to reach out to one of the planners, we would be happy to discuss it with you.
City Council tabled this item directing staff to look at the impact ADUs might have on the City. This will be discussed at the December work session meeting. The General Plan will go back to the City Council to vote after the new year.
Thank you for everyone who has already provided feedback. All feedback on the map was provided to Staff and included in the DRC comments given to the Planning Commission.
The General Plan directs future zoning and ultimately what gets built. You can learn more information about the General Plan and the process we have gone through at our previous website
It can be hard to understand exactly what is happening and what everything means. Please feel free to reach out to one of the planners, we would be happy to discuss it with you.
The General Plan was approved. You can view the updated General Plan Land Use Element at
Please ask any questions you have regarding the General Plan process, written document or map. A member of Staff will answer shortly.
Share What is the maximum density (units per acre) in a TOD zone? on Facebook Share What is the maximum density (units per acre) in a TOD zone? on Twitter Share What is the maximum density (units per acre) in a TOD zone? on Linkedin Email What is the maximum density (units per acre) in a TOD zone? link
What is the maximum density (units per acre) in a TOD zone?
M.Stallings asked over 3 years agoThere is no maximum density in the TOD zone. Right now they are limited by utility and road capacity. As part of the rezone process the City Council and City Staff determine the maximum number of units. The proposed update includes a map that shows the maximum number of units per TOD location.
Share Is the Transit Oriented Development zone an overlay zone? on Facebook Share Is the Transit Oriented Development zone an overlay zone? on Twitter Share Is the Transit Oriented Development zone an overlay zone? on Linkedin Email Is the Transit Oriented Development zone an overlay zone? link
Is the Transit Oriented Development zone an overlay zone?
M.Stallings asked over 3 years agoThe current General Plan has the TOD designation as an overlay. The proposed update would have TOD as a Land Use Designation. It is not an overlay zone, but in order to get the zoning the applicant must apply and submit a Land Use Plan.
Share Where are the plans that show what roads will be put through the Cranberry Farms and Sunset Hollow developments? I don't see them here, but have heard that Hales Engineering has done some studies regarding punching roads near 2600W out to 2100 N. on Facebook Share Where are the plans that show what roads will be put through the Cranberry Farms and Sunset Hollow developments? I don't see them here, but have heard that Hales Engineering has done some studies regarding punching roads near 2600W out to 2100 N. on Twitter Share Where are the plans that show what roads will be put through the Cranberry Farms and Sunset Hollow developments? I don't see them here, but have heard that Hales Engineering has done some studies regarding punching roads near 2600W out to 2100 N. on Linkedin Email Where are the plans that show what roads will be put through the Cranberry Farms and Sunset Hollow developments? I don't see them here, but have heard that Hales Engineering has done some studies regarding punching roads near 2600W out to 2100 N. link
Where are the plans that show what roads will be put through the Cranberry Farms and Sunset Hollow developments? I don't see them here, but have heard that Hales Engineering has done some studies regarding punching roads near 2600W out to 2100 N.
Jane RD asked over 3 years agoThank you for your question. The General Plan Land Use Map shows the future land use designations. It does not show future road ways. The Master Transportation Plan shows future roadways/ widening of existing roads. You can view this map online at
Note that this plan was adopted in 2015. An updated plan will be adopted in the future.
Share I understand Thanksgiving Point needs to rework its area plan and nothing has been approved by the city. What I am asking is additional added density in the Cornbellys area cause the current allowed percentages at Thanksgiving Point to exceed what is currently allowed? Is Thanksgiving Point resort area currently at capacity on their allowed residential and commercial structures? on Facebook Share I understand Thanksgiving Point needs to rework its area plan and nothing has been approved by the city. What I am asking is additional added density in the Cornbellys area cause the current allowed percentages at Thanksgiving Point to exceed what is currently allowed? Is Thanksgiving Point resort area currently at capacity on their allowed residential and commercial structures? on Twitter Share I understand Thanksgiving Point needs to rework its area plan and nothing has been approved by the city. What I am asking is additional added density in the Cornbellys area cause the current allowed percentages at Thanksgiving Point to exceed what is currently allowed? Is Thanksgiving Point resort area currently at capacity on their allowed residential and commercial structures? on Linkedin Email I understand Thanksgiving Point needs to rework its area plan and nothing has been approved by the city. What I am asking is additional added density in the Cornbellys area cause the current allowed percentages at Thanksgiving Point to exceed what is currently allowed? Is Thanksgiving Point resort area currently at capacity on their allowed residential and commercial structures? link
I understand Thanksgiving Point needs to rework its area plan and nothing has been approved by the city. What I am asking is additional added density in the Cornbellys area cause the current allowed percentages at Thanksgiving Point to exceed what is currently allowed? Is Thanksgiving Point resort area currently at capacity on their allowed residential and commercial structures?
Michelle Miles asked over 3 years agoThank you for the clarification. The City and applicants in the Thanksgiving Point area have done multiple studies in the past to review the Resort Community zone regarding resort uses and non-resort uses. Recent studies have shown that the Thanksgiving Point area is close to the allowed percentage breakdown of 60% resort uses and 40% non-resort uses. Understanding this, based on the current Code, any additional density or development within the Thanksgiving Point area would be contingent on the use meeting the Resort Community requirements and completing an Area Plan amendment. When they submit an application for development, the applicant would need to show, and the City would confirm, that the allowed percentages of uses in the Resort community zone are be met.
Share Does adding the additional 1000 units to the new General Plan (where Cornbellys sits) require an adjustment to the current percentages for the Thanksgiving Point area (resort community) open space, resort, residential, and commercial allotment? If yes, please show the currently allowed percentages, and how they will adjust assuming the 1000 units get built out. on Facebook Share Does adding the additional 1000 units to the new General Plan (where Cornbellys sits) require an adjustment to the current percentages for the Thanksgiving Point area (resort community) open space, resort, residential, and commercial allotment? If yes, please show the currently allowed percentages, and how they will adjust assuming the 1000 units get built out. on Twitter Share Does adding the additional 1000 units to the new General Plan (where Cornbellys sits) require an adjustment to the current percentages for the Thanksgiving Point area (resort community) open space, resort, residential, and commercial allotment? If yes, please show the currently allowed percentages, and how they will adjust assuming the 1000 units get built out. on Linkedin Email Does adding the additional 1000 units to the new General Plan (where Cornbellys sits) require an adjustment to the current percentages for the Thanksgiving Point area (resort community) open space, resort, residential, and commercial allotment? If yes, please show the currently allowed percentages, and how they will adjust assuming the 1000 units get built out. link
Does adding the additional 1000 units to the new General Plan (where Cornbellys sits) require an adjustment to the current percentages for the Thanksgiving Point area (resort community) open space, resort, residential, and commercial allotment? If yes, please show the currently allowed percentages, and how they will adjust assuming the 1000 units get built out.
Michelle Miles asked over 3 years agoIn our General Plan, we are showing the possibility of up to 1,000 residential units in the Thanksgiving Point area, but in order to realize additional density of that scale, it would require Thanksgiving Point to update their Area Plan as well as modifications to the current Resort Community zoning requirements. So while the draft General Plan is acknowledging the possibility of housing around the existing Frontrunner Station, it would require extensive work and changes to current zoning policies in order to allow that density to happen.
Share We understand you want to use the Cornbelly's land to put in high density housing. You are currently saying 1000 units. Will this extend into other undeveloped land? Is this legal with the resort community zoning currently in effect where a certain percentage of land must be community-oriented? Are you trying to change the zoning and when will that be discussed? High density housing does not show on the current land use map. Why? on Facebook Share We understand you want to use the Cornbelly's land to put in high density housing. You are currently saying 1000 units. Will this extend into other undeveloped land? Is this legal with the resort community zoning currently in effect where a certain percentage of land must be community-oriented? Are you trying to change the zoning and when will that be discussed? High density housing does not show on the current land use map. Why? on Twitter Share We understand you want to use the Cornbelly's land to put in high density housing. You are currently saying 1000 units. Will this extend into other undeveloped land? Is this legal with the resort community zoning currently in effect where a certain percentage of land must be community-oriented? Are you trying to change the zoning and when will that be discussed? High density housing does not show on the current land use map. Why? on Linkedin Email We understand you want to use the Cornbelly's land to put in high density housing. You are currently saying 1000 units. Will this extend into other undeveloped land? Is this legal with the resort community zoning currently in effect where a certain percentage of land must be community-oriented? Are you trying to change the zoning and when will that be discussed? High density housing does not show on the current land use map. Why? link
We understand you want to use the Cornbelly's land to put in high density housing. You are currently saying 1000 units. Will this extend into other undeveloped land? Is this legal with the resort community zoning currently in effect where a certain percentage of land must be community-oriented? Are you trying to change the zoning and when will that be discussed? High density housing does not show on the current land use map. Why?
concerned citizen asked over 3 years agoWe are showing the area from Club House Drive to Triumph Boulevard as our TOD (transit-oriented development) and Mixed-Use designations. These designations would allow a mixture of uses including residential, commercial, and resort-based uses. Regarding the units on the property, the idea is that 1,000 residential units would be able to go into that area (between Club House Drive and Triumph Boulevard). However, no units would be allowed in that area until the Thanksgiving Point Area Plan is amended to allow those units. Any amendment to the Thanksgiving Point Area Plan would need to be approved by the City Council.
There is an application that has been submitted and reviewed by Staff to amend the Thanksgiving Point Area Plan to allow more housing than what is being shown by staff. The application has not gone to Planning Commission or City Council yet based on the applicant's request. The applicant request is closer to 5,000 units. One reason for the delay is to give more time for the applicant to work with staff on getting an accurate traffic study showing the impact of their proposed units.
The amendment we are looking at today is for the General Plan. The General Plan shows what types of land uses the City thinks could be a good fit for an area in the future, but this change does not change the zoning of a property. As of now, the zoning is not being changed for this property and the Resort Community zone would still be in place. If a development were to be proposed on the property, the requirements would need to be met for Resort Community or the property would need to be rezoned. If the property is rezoned, it would then have a Public Hearing and would need to be approved by the City Council. The existing General Plan Land Use Map showed the Resort Community designation. This designation did not necessarily prohibit high density housing but allowed for a mixture of uses on the land. The City has decided to eliminate a few designations to help simplify the Land Use Map and instead include more descriptive designations. -
Share Any more overdevelopment of the Thanksgiving Point 800 Acre Resort will be met with vigorous opposition by the residents of Thanksgiving Village, Holbrook Farms, Sunset Farms, Cranberry Farms and Thanksgiving Meadows who bought homes based on the insightful dreams of Alan nd Karen to provide a quiet quality of life--not an Urban explosion. To destroy a championship golf course and the green space it provides would be a sin against wisdom and intelligent use of what was set aside by the Astons to be something special, protected from the greed of developers and misguided people who hold office or see an opportunistic chance to make money regardless of the consequences that harm the people. Granger Peck on Facebook Share Any more overdevelopment of the Thanksgiving Point 800 Acre Resort will be met with vigorous opposition by the residents of Thanksgiving Village, Holbrook Farms, Sunset Farms, Cranberry Farms and Thanksgiving Meadows who bought homes based on the insightful dreams of Alan nd Karen to provide a quiet quality of life--not an Urban explosion. To destroy a championship golf course and the green space it provides would be a sin against wisdom and intelligent use of what was set aside by the Astons to be something special, protected from the greed of developers and misguided people who hold office or see an opportunistic chance to make money regardless of the consequences that harm the people. Granger Peck on Twitter Share Any more overdevelopment of the Thanksgiving Point 800 Acre Resort will be met with vigorous opposition by the residents of Thanksgiving Village, Holbrook Farms, Sunset Farms, Cranberry Farms and Thanksgiving Meadows who bought homes based on the insightful dreams of Alan nd Karen to provide a quiet quality of life--not an Urban explosion. To destroy a championship golf course and the green space it provides would be a sin against wisdom and intelligent use of what was set aside by the Astons to be something special, protected from the greed of developers and misguided people who hold office or see an opportunistic chance to make money regardless of the consequences that harm the people. Granger Peck on Linkedin Email Any more overdevelopment of the Thanksgiving Point 800 Acre Resort will be met with vigorous opposition by the residents of Thanksgiving Village, Holbrook Farms, Sunset Farms, Cranberry Farms and Thanksgiving Meadows who bought homes based on the insightful dreams of Alan nd Karen to provide a quiet quality of life--not an Urban explosion. To destroy a championship golf course and the green space it provides would be a sin against wisdom and intelligent use of what was set aside by the Astons to be something special, protected from the greed of developers and misguided people who hold office or see an opportunistic chance to make money regardless of the consequences that harm the people. Granger Peck link
Any more overdevelopment of the Thanksgiving Point 800 Acre Resort will be met with vigorous opposition by the residents of Thanksgiving Village, Holbrook Farms, Sunset Farms, Cranberry Farms and Thanksgiving Meadows who bought homes based on the insightful dreams of Alan nd Karen to provide a quiet quality of life--not an Urban explosion. To destroy a championship golf course and the green space it provides would be a sin against wisdom and intelligent use of what was set aside by the Astons to be something special, protected from the greed of developers and misguided people who hold office or see an opportunistic chance to make money regardless of the consequences that harm the people. Granger Peck
Granger Peck asked over 3 years agoThank you for your concern. The General Plan Amendment will go to City Council for consideration on October 12th. We encourage you to attend that meeting to share your concerns.
Share How about giving me the names of those council member that have in the past voted to change the zoning of the resort area? on Facebook Share How about giving me the names of those council member that have in the past voted to change the zoning of the resort area? on Twitter Share How about giving me the names of those council member that have in the past voted to change the zoning of the resort area? on Linkedin Email How about giving me the names of those council member that have in the past voted to change the zoning of the resort area? link
How about giving me the names of those council member that have in the past voted to change the zoning of the resort area?
J.T. Scott asked over 3 years agoThe Thanksgiving Point Resort Community is zoned Resort Community and the Area Plan dictates what land uses can go where. Within the last few years their has been one application to amend the Area Plan and it was denied. You can view the minutes at this link
You can view the minutes from the past Planning Commission and City Council meetings which includes the motions and how each person voted. You can view these online at
Share You didn't answer my specific question. Please give me the names of the Planning and Council members that are prone to vote for the road through the golf course. on Facebook Share You didn't answer my specific question. Please give me the names of the Planning and Council members that are prone to vote for the road through the golf course. on Twitter Share You didn't answer my specific question. Please give me the names of the Planning and Council members that are prone to vote for the road through the golf course. on Linkedin Email You didn't answer my specific question. Please give me the names of the Planning and Council members that are prone to vote for the road through the golf course. link
You didn't answer my specific question. Please give me the names of the Planning and Council members that are prone to vote for the road through the golf course.
J.T. Scott asked over 3 years agoThis decision goes beyond local government. MAG and UDOT show this connection on their plans. Additionally, where plans for the road have not gone to Planning Commission or City Council for vote, we do not know who is in favor or not. They are aware of the overall plan but do not know specifics because there are no plans yet. They have not expressed opinions yet and will likely wait until their are more concrete plans in place.
You are welcome to reach out to the City Council members directly to ask their opinion. The Planning Commission is an appointed body and cannot talk about items outside of the meeting to keep them unbiased. -
Share Don't you realize that you are reducing Lehi to becoming an "asphalt jungle" instead of a nice place to live? Is that really the legacy you want to leave for your and my children? What's wrong with dedicating some open land that people and nature and wildlife can enjoy? Years ago your predecessors tried to do this by zoning the Thanksgiving Point area a Special Resort Area, and now you keep trying to destroy that with the road from Redwood going through the golf course, which will destroy it. At some point, those on the Planning Commission and the Council need to use some vision and realize that stacking people and vehicles in as thick as you can, is not a good idea. Please name those Planning and Council members that are prone to vote for all this growth so that we can start a campaign to vote them out. on Facebook Share Don't you realize that you are reducing Lehi to becoming an "asphalt jungle" instead of a nice place to live? Is that really the legacy you want to leave for your and my children? What's wrong with dedicating some open land that people and nature and wildlife can enjoy? Years ago your predecessors tried to do this by zoning the Thanksgiving Point area a Special Resort Area, and now you keep trying to destroy that with the road from Redwood going through the golf course, which will destroy it. At some point, those on the Planning Commission and the Council need to use some vision and realize that stacking people and vehicles in as thick as you can, is not a good idea. Please name those Planning and Council members that are prone to vote for all this growth so that we can start a campaign to vote them out. on Twitter Share Don't you realize that you are reducing Lehi to becoming an "asphalt jungle" instead of a nice place to live? Is that really the legacy you want to leave for your and my children? What's wrong with dedicating some open land that people and nature and wildlife can enjoy? Years ago your predecessors tried to do this by zoning the Thanksgiving Point area a Special Resort Area, and now you keep trying to destroy that with the road from Redwood going through the golf course, which will destroy it. At some point, those on the Planning Commission and the Council need to use some vision and realize that stacking people and vehicles in as thick as you can, is not a good idea. Please name those Planning and Council members that are prone to vote for all this growth so that we can start a campaign to vote them out. on Linkedin Email Don't you realize that you are reducing Lehi to becoming an "asphalt jungle" instead of a nice place to live? Is that really the legacy you want to leave for your and my children? What's wrong with dedicating some open land that people and nature and wildlife can enjoy? Years ago your predecessors tried to do this by zoning the Thanksgiving Point area a Special Resort Area, and now you keep trying to destroy that with the road from Redwood going through the golf course, which will destroy it. At some point, those on the Planning Commission and the Council need to use some vision and realize that stacking people and vehicles in as thick as you can, is not a good idea. Please name those Planning and Council members that are prone to vote for all this growth so that we can start a campaign to vote them out. link
Don't you realize that you are reducing Lehi to becoming an "asphalt jungle" instead of a nice place to live? Is that really the legacy you want to leave for your and my children? What's wrong with dedicating some open land that people and nature and wildlife can enjoy? Years ago your predecessors tried to do this by zoning the Thanksgiving Point area a Special Resort Area, and now you keep trying to destroy that with the road from Redwood going through the golf course, which will destroy it. At some point, those on the Planning Commission and the Council need to use some vision and realize that stacking people and vehicles in as thick as you can, is not a good idea. Please name those Planning and Council members that are prone to vote for all this growth so that we can start a campaign to vote them out.
J.T. Scott asked over 3 years agoThank you for expressing your concern about the growth in the Thanksgiving Point Area. The General Plan will not actually allow any more density in the Thanksgiving Point Resort Community. An Area Plan Amendment is required to add any additional density in that area. An Area Plan Amendment would be noticed and have a public hearing.
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Key Dates
11 August → 03 September 2021
31 August 2021
23 September 2021
12 October 2021
Proposed General Plan Documents
Open House Documents
Density Additions (1.17 MB) (pdf)
Current (2011) General Plan Map (4.23 MB) (pdf)
DRAFT 2020 Future Land Use Map (13.7 MB) (pdf)
General Plan Open House Poster - Scenarios.pdf (40.6 MB) (pdf)
General Plan Open House Poster - Survey Results online.pdf (678 KB) (pdf)
General Plan Open House Poster - Survey Results.pdf (228 KB) (pdf)
Areas of Growth and Stability.pdf (16 MB) (pdf)
Who's Listening
Community Development Director
Phone 385-201-1030 -
Planning Division Manager
Phone 385-201-2518 -
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Phone 385-201-2513 -
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Phone 385-201-2522 -
Planner 2
Phone 385-201-2516