Public Comment for Planning Commission Items
- Below is a list of the public hearing items
- They include a brief explanation
- Click on them if you would like to leave a comment
- You may leave comments and read others comments. BE RESPECTFUL
- You may also ask questions about the projects to Staff
NOTE: You must register to leave a public comment. All it takes is a quick registration (2-3 minutes).
- Below is a list of the public hearing items
- They include a brief explanation
- Click on them if you would like to leave a comment
- You may leave comments and read others comments. BE RESPECTFUL
- You may also ask questions about the projects to Staff
NOTE: You must register to leave a public comment. All it takes is a quick registration (2-3 minutes).
KAZ Design Build Zone Change
Share KAZ Design Build Zone Change on Facebook Share KAZ Design Build Zone Change on Twitter Share KAZ Design Build Zone Change on Linkedin Email KAZ Design Build Zone Change linkCLOSED: This item received a positive recommendation from the Planning Commission and is scheduled for City Council on March 18, 2025.A zone change from RA-1 to R-1-Flex at 850 North 1200 East.
Heaton Zone Change
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Auto Sales and Rental Development Code Amendment
Share Auto Sales and Rental Development Code Amendment on Facebook Share Auto Sales and Rental Development Code Amendment on Twitter Share Auto Sales and Rental Development Code Amendment on Linkedin Email Auto Sales and Rental Development Code Amendment linkCLOSED: This item received a negative recommendation from the Planning Commission and is scheduled for City Council on March 18,2025.ProSteel Customs proposed amendment to allow Automobile Sales and Rental business in the commercial zone.
Holbrook Farms Area Plan Amendment
Share Holbrook Farms Area Plan Amendment on Facebook Share Holbrook Farms Area Plan Amendment on Twitter Share Holbrook Farms Area Plan Amendment on Linkedin Email Holbrook Farms Area Plan Amendment linkCLOSED: This item received a positive recommendation from the Planning Commission and is scheduled for City Council on March 18,2025.A proposed amendment to allow for about 85 townhomes near Waterbury Drive and Miller Campus Drive.
Inverness Community Placemaking Signs
Share Inverness Community Placemaking Signs on Facebook Share Inverness Community Placemaking Signs on Twitter Share Inverness Community Placemaking Signs on Linkedin Email Inverness Community Placemaking Signs linkCLOSED: This item was approved.Three project placemaking signs in the Inverness Community.
Sensapure Conditional Use
Share Sensapure Conditional Use on Facebook Share Sensapure Conditional Use on Twitter Share Sensapure Conditional Use on Linkedin Email Sensapure Conditional Use linkCLOSED: This item was approved by the Planning Commission.Sensapure is asking for approval to operate in the Lewis Landing Industrial building at 4170 West 2100 North.
Summer Crest Plat O
Share Summer Crest Plat O on Facebook Share Summer Crest Plat O on Twitter Share Summer Crest Plat O on Linkedin Email Summer Crest Plat O linkCLOSED: This item was approved by the Planning Commission.Creating a new access to family park from 798 East 2200 North.
Skyridge Cell Tower Use Conditional Use
Share Skyridge Cell Tower Use Conditional Use on Facebook Share Skyridge Cell Tower Use Conditional Use on Twitter Share Skyridge Cell Tower Use Conditional Use on Linkedin Email Skyridge Cell Tower Use Conditional Use linkCLOSED: This item was approved by the Planning Commission.A proposed new cell tower for Verizon located next to the Baseball Field at Skyridge High School.
Residential Table of Uses Development Code Amendment
Share Residential Table of Uses Development Code Amendment on Facebook Share Residential Table of Uses Development Code Amendment on Twitter Share Residential Table of Uses Development Code Amendment on Linkedin Email Residential Table of Uses Development Code Amendment linkCLOSED: This item received a positive recommendation by the Planning Commission and is scheduled for City Council on February 11, 2025.Lehi City requests review and recommendation of a comprehensive Development Code amendment to the residential table of uses (Table 05.030-A).
The Perfect Wag Site Plan
Share The Perfect Wag Site Plan on Facebook Share The Perfect Wag Site Plan on Twitter Share The Perfect Wag Site Plan on Linkedin Email The Perfect Wag Site Plan linkCLOSED: This item was approved by the Planning Commission.The applicant is requesting the approval of a conditional use permit to allow a dog care facility at the existing building located at 50 East Main Street.
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