Gardner-Plumb Main Street Concept Plan

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Consultation has concluded

Gardner-Plumb is proposing a concept plan for a 214-unit residential development located at approximately 2500 West Main Street. The space would include townhomes, condominiums, and single-family homes. They are also open to including some small-scale retail along Main Street, such as a coffee shop. The project is contingent upon the approval of a General Plan amendment to Low Density Residential that would facilitate a higher level of density than under the current Very Low Density Residential Agriculture designation.

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Gardner-Plumb is proposing a concept plan for a 214-unit residential development located at approximately 2500 West Main Street. The space would include townhomes, condominiums, and single-family homes. They are also open to including some small-scale retail along Main Street, such as a coffee shop. The project is contingent upon the approval of a General Plan amendment to Low Density Residential that would facilitate a higher level of density than under the current Very Low Density Residential Agriculture designation.

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Consultation has concluded
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Please Do NOT allow this to pass. The traffic is already bad enough and it increased at least 15 to 20 more travel time to go to work or drop kids to schools. We don’t have the infrastructure to support this large of a complex. Schools are already overcrowded and this would continue to create more problems.

Sudhakar Seerapu over 2 years ago

We cannot have something of this magnitude going in here in Lehi. We do not have the means, resources, and money to accommodate a development like this. You can see the damage that is created by these high density housing areas. Crime, traffic, and major issues arise. Our roads, schools, retail, etc could not handle such an influx of people. We cannot keep having developers do this to our family-oriented home. Please reconsider this proposition, and consider the residents and people of Lehi!

Ericavb4 over 2 years ago

As many of my fellows residents have said, this is a very reckless idea. It has negative consequences on our children who go to the local schools as there will be more children in already bloated schools, making it harder for them to learn, and teachers to teach. It also will increase the traffic around a very populated area. There’s also not enough details about what the green area will be. I am adamantly against this idea. Please stop trying to build high density living in areas that cannot support it.

Drewbrady over 2 years ago

We do not need another high density housing area in Lehi. Our roads and infrastructure cannot handle more - especially in this proposed space. Main street is too busy as is. The Exchange and other high density units in the area have shown what high density housing brings (crime, overrun infrastructure, crowded schools, etc) - lets stop perpetuating the madness. The schools are bursting at the seams. If we want to keep Lehi a nice family community we need to stand up to these developers and say no.

sarah_tadje over 2 years ago

Do NOT allow this to pass. The traffic is already bad enough and we don’t have the infrastructure to support this large of a complex. Schools are already overcrowded and this would continue to create more problems.

Mark J over 2 years ago

Please consider the well-being of the families that live close to this proposed development. I am concerned for my children. Our schools are full, our roads are dangerously crowded, and I don't see it getting better if we continue to expand at this rate. Please don't do this. Not right now. Not until our city is prepared (with room in schools and with better roads/transportation solutions) for the growth.

EmG over 2 years ago

I understand the need for more houses, but this many units is just being greedy. Our infrastructure here cannot handle it. Not to mention most of our schools if not all are at max capacity! Lehi could actually use more parks/green space for residents to use. We always end up having to go out to Saratoga Springs, Eagle Mountain or even American Fork because the little parks we have are usually packed. Please don’t let this pass.

HeatherWright over 2 years ago

We left an area that was throwing up condos, townhomes and homes like crazy. The crime increased, the care for our neighborhood decreased and the traffic was horrendous. We moved to lehi and have loved it but it’s already getting too busy. As everyone else states, the schools and roads can not handle that many more people coming here. We have been asked to ration water lately. More people is going to make all these matters worse. We live on a semi busy road where they are building a little community. The traffic is getting so bad and those people haven’t even moved in yet. Please reconsider. Keep lehi a place where we like to live

Alexander over 2 years ago

I can see in the key on the maps a symbol for "proposed trails" (a solid orange line) but there are no solid orange lines anywhere on the maps that I can see. Are there any proposed walking/biking trails in these developments? If so, are they paved, gravel, etc.? How wide are they? I couldn't tell from the maps, but do these trails (if they exist) connect to any existing walking/biking infrastructure outside of this proposed development? If they don't, that really decreases their value.

Look, I understand the need for more and more affordable housing in the area. However, we've got to balance that with the need for keeping traffic manageable and making the area livable in other ways too (water, air quality). I feel like if we're going to add more housing the developers have to start investing more (significantly more) into things like building out infrastructure to help with traffic (including making alternate forms of transit like biking trails / biking lanes, etc.) more feasible so car traffic isn't absolutely crazy (where it's at now). If the developer is allowed to build this they should be required to connect these trails to already existing trail systems in the area so that biking to and from work / school / etc. is actually more feasible for those who want to (and make the impact to traffic a little better). If all we have is several disconnected trail systems, they're not worth hardly anything at all.

Also, I saw that there are ~10 acres of "green space". What kind of green space is this? Parks? Natural / native vegetation and trails /etc. Bike parks? Dog Parks? Kid parks? I feel kind of nervous that unless these kinds of things are made as explicit as the plans for water/sewer/power, etc. they tend to get neglected and get forgotten pretty quickly.

As far as helping with air quality, could we require that a certain percentage of the power for the new development come from renewable sources built into the site with on-site storage? What are the plans for managing water use? Are they going to use low-water demand sprinklers for green spaces?

Dr. Stone over 2 years ago

The school bond didn't pass and we need more schools, yet the schools that would serve this development at at capacity. This school is within a mile of 3+ elementary schools and a high school that has been built to its max size for the property. Residents are already being asked to ration their water use and there isn't enough green space in the area to accomodate that many more dwellings without a significant strain on the residents already here. The library already cannot accommodate the residents here and we're being turned away from enjoying what this city has to offer us as residents. Lehi is a haven in the midst of the hustle and bustle. It is accommodating of families wanting the old town feel while having all of the comforts we all love and enjoy. But we've now reached and maybe surpassed the point of preserving what we all came here for: the small town feel with comforts. And more and more people are losing their lives on our roads and sacrificing their quality of life. This subdivision and any other of it's size in Lehi would tip the scale for residents quality of life.

Lehifam over 2 years ago

Another 214-units is a TERRIBLE idea. As a resident who lives in the neighborhood just north of Lehi Main, we already experience terrible traffic, accidents, as well as overcrowding in our schools. Why do these concepts keep coming to Lehi City for approval? Lehi city does NOT have the infrastructure available for more units, let alone this many more, especially on an already busy road and in a busy location. PLEASE DO NOT ALLOW THIS TO PASS!!!

JJ88 over 2 years ago

This area is overcrowded as it is with the schools bursting at the seams. The traffic is impossible to navigate. Please stop allowing more high density living when the infrastructure can’t handle what we already have.

EmilyHarker over 2 years ago

I don’t believe that the infrastructure Lehi city has at this time can support another high density development. Traffic on 2100 North, 2300 West, Main Street, and Pioneer Crossing is ridiculous from 3:30-7pm. The schools are overcrowded and due to the pandemic our children are behind and need additional time and attention from teachers and staff. Adding more children to already full classes is not going to help them get back on track.

Kristabaron over 2 years ago

The idea of adding another 214 housing units to this area is disappointing because it shows how disconnected Lehi City is becoming from its existing residents. Traffic is terrible, schools are overflowing, and essentially all commerce in this area is going to either American fork or the new developments occurring in saratoga springs. There is no infrastructure to support 214 new families in this location. And those of us that live here can see that.

JasonMackay over 2 years ago

Please STOP changing Lehi to massive high density complexes and neighborhoods!! Our roads, schools, and utilities cannot take anymore!! Not to mention our identity as a city is becoming lost with greed from developers and whoever else profits from high density over building!!!

Celestelarsen over 2 years ago

I believe this is a poor planning move. As a resident who lives directly across from this area, the traffic is horrendous at 2300 and Main. There are multiple accidents weekly on this stretch to Saratoga Springs. Also, we have three elementary schools (River Rick, Snow Springs, and Northpoint) that can barely handle the amount of students we have right now. By adding 214 more units, where will those students go? With the increased population, we would need to fix the traffic flow of the area. Commercial might be nice to bring more business to Lehi. Most of the residents in this area go to Walmart or Smith’s in Saratoga for retail needs. Or a nice city park or family space. I enjoy my view right now, but can’t imagine it being blocked with more tall buildings.

AdamsFamMama over 2 years ago

The traffic along main street/2300W is worse and worse daily. we shouldn't plan any more condos/townhomes. The surrounding area is all nice single houses with decent lot. We should keep it as the same. And adding more city park/public areas under those power lines.

Mapleboy over 2 years ago