Thanksgiving Point Station Concept

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The City Council denied the proposed concept. 

Slopes Residential LLC is proposing an amendment to the existing Thanksgiving Point Area Plan. This concept plan is the first step in amending the area plan and provides a general overview of the future development of the property. The proposed concept plan shows a mix of different land uses or Transit Oriented Development to support the Thanksgiving Point Frontrunner Station. These land uses include residential, commercial, office, and parks/open space.

The concept plan shows an overall density of 5,398 dwelling units. The plan indicates that the units will be built over a series of phases.

Staff has several concerns with the proposed density, location, and concept plan. These concerns are outlined in the staff report under documents.

If this concept plan is approved, other amendments will also follow which include the allowed uses table, design standards requirements, utility, transportation, and other regulations needed for future development of the area. All changes will be reviewed by Staff, Planning Commission, and approved by the City Council.

Please feel free to ask questions on the concept plan below or call for more information.

Public Comment on this page is currently only for Planning Commission meetings. You can submit online comments through this link

Slopes Residential LLC is proposing an amendment to the existing Thanksgiving Point Area Plan. This concept plan is the first step in amending the area plan and provides a general overview of the future development of the property. The proposed concept plan shows a mix of different land uses or Transit Oriented Development to support the Thanksgiving Point Frontrunner Station. These land uses include residential, commercial, office, and parks/open space.

The concept plan shows an overall density of 5,398 dwelling units. The plan indicates that the units will be built over a series of phases.

Staff has several concerns with the proposed density, location, and concept plan. These concerns are outlined in the staff report under documents.

If this concept plan is approved, other amendments will also follow which include the allowed uses table, design standards requirements, utility, transportation, and other regulations needed for future development of the area. All changes will be reviewed by Staff, Planning Commission, and approved by the City Council.

Please feel free to ask questions on the concept plan below or call for more information.

Public Comment on this page is currently only for Planning Commission meetings. You can submit online comments through this link

The City Council denied the proposed concept. 

Ask questions to Staff about the project. You may submit a question here or call Staff using the contact information above. Questions and answers will be posted to the site. 

  • Share it looks like there are lot lines laid out in the park itself. Are there any plans to build in the park? Who owns the land presently? on Facebook Share it looks like there are lot lines laid out in the park itself. Are there any plans to build in the park? Who owns the land presently? on Twitter Share it looks like there are lot lines laid out in the park itself. Are there any plans to build in the park? Who owns the land presently? on Linkedin Email it looks like there are lot lines laid out in the park itself. Are there any plans to build in the park? Who owns the land presently? link

    it looks like there are lot lines laid out in the park itself. Are there any plans to build in the park? Who owns the land presently?

    Ken_Garen asked about 3 years ago

    Thank you for submitting a question. The proposed concept plan does show development in the park and would shrink the size of Electric Park. The development does also incorporate a greenway that connects to Electric Park. In addition to this development proposal, there is a previously approved private school (Dancing Moose Montessori School) that will be located in the corner of the park. The plan for the private school was approved on May 14, 2020 by the Planning Commission. Regarding ownership of the park, the park is privately owned by Thanksgiving Point Development Company. 

  • Share Where will the parking be for the residents and their guests and for those visiting Thanksgiving Point? on Facebook Share Where will the parking be for the residents and their guests and for those visiting Thanksgiving Point? on Twitter Share Where will the parking be for the residents and their guests and for those visiting Thanksgiving Point? on Linkedin Email Where will the parking be for the residents and their guests and for those visiting Thanksgiving Point? link

    Where will the parking be for the residents and their guests and for those visiting Thanksgiving Point?

    Ken_Garen asked about 3 years ago

    Thank you for submitting a question. At the time of concept plan proposal, we do not typically require the developer to determine the specific locations for parking, but instead the plans show general locations for land uses (including parking lots at times). For this submittal, the developer did include a slide of a master site plan that shows the locations of parking lots. However, the site plan did not specify what type of parking would be used with each lot (guest, resident, visitor, commercial, etc.). 

    For this project, the developer will be required to show parking requirements with the area plan amendment that would be submitted after a concept plan is approved. In addition, when the site plans are submitted for individual buildings, the parking will be reviewed for each building to ensure it meets all parking requirements- which includes the resident, guest, and visitor parking. It should also be noted that this project will not influence the parking for the current Thanksgiving Point amenities like the gardens, museums, etc. 

  • Share Will all the high density housing be rentals, or will a portion be available for people to buy? Will there be any caps on owner/occupy status? Also, will a portion of the apartments be set aside for affordable housing? on Facebook Share Will all the high density housing be rentals, or will a portion be available for people to buy? Will there be any caps on owner/occupy status? Also, will a portion of the apartments be set aside for affordable housing? on Twitter Share Will all the high density housing be rentals, or will a portion be available for people to buy? Will there be any caps on owner/occupy status? Also, will a portion of the apartments be set aside for affordable housing? on Linkedin Email Will all the high density housing be rentals, or will a portion be available for people to buy? Will there be any caps on owner/occupy status? Also, will a portion of the apartments be set aside for affordable housing? link

    Will all the high density housing be rentals, or will a portion be available for people to buy? Will there be any caps on owner/occupy status? Also, will a portion of the apartments be set aside for affordable housing?

    Ann asked over 3 years ago

    Those are wonderful questions. City Staff does not know the answers because the applicant did not provide that information. You could submit these questions as a public comment to receive answers from the applicant at the meeting tonight. 

  • Share Is this item back on the Planning Commission agenda? I don't remember hearing it presented in May. on Facebook Share Is this item back on the Planning Commission agenda? I don't remember hearing it presented in May. on Twitter Share Is this item back on the Planning Commission agenda? I don't remember hearing it presented in May. on Linkedin Email Is this item back on the Planning Commission agenda? I don't remember hearing it presented in May. link

    Is this item back on the Planning Commission agenda? I don't remember hearing it presented in May.

    Nicole Kunze asked over 3 years ago

    Yes, this item is on the Planning Commission agenda for August 12th. The applicant was resolving some traffic study questions and wanted to have more time for public outreach.