Public Comment for Planning Commission Items
- Below is a list of the public hearing items
- They include a brief explanation
- Click on them if you would like to leave a comment
- You may leave comments and read others comments. BE RESPECTFUL
- You may also ask questions about the projects to Staff
NOTE: You must register to leave a public comment. All it takes is a quick registration (2-3 minutes).
- Below is a list of the public hearing items
- They include a brief explanation
- Click on them if you would like to leave a comment
- You may leave comments and read others comments. BE RESPECTFUL
- You may also ask questions about the projects to Staff
NOTE: You must register to leave a public comment. All it takes is a quick registration (2-3 minutes).
Concord Homes Zone Change
Share Concord Homes Zone Change on Facebook Share Concord Homes Zone Change on Twitter Share Concord Homes Zone Change on Linkedin Email Concord Homes Zone Change linkCLOSED: This item received a positive recommendation to City Council from the Planning CommissionLocated at 705 East Cedar Hollow Road. Concord Homes wants to change the zoning on 0.69 acres from RA-1 to R-1-12. The RA-1 zones requires at least 15,000 square feet per lot. The R-1-12 zone requires at least 12,000 square feet per lot.
Crack Shack- Via 313 Site Plan
Share Crack Shack- Via 313 Site Plan on Facebook Share Crack Shack- Via 313 Site Plan on Twitter Share Crack Shack- Via 313 Site Plan on Linkedin Email Crack Shack- Via 313 Site Plan linkCLOSED: This item was approved by the Planning CommissionThe Crack Shack-Via 313 site plan is located at 1085 East Main Street between Fabulous Freddy’s Carwash that is under construction and the freeway on ramp. The plan consists of two separate restaurant buildings with a connected wall.
The Development Code requires 1 stall for every 2.5 seats as well as 0.5 spaces per employee on the largest shift. The applicant provided the seating for each restaurant totaling 171 and their max number of employees totaling 18. Based on these numbers they need 78 stalls and they provided 81.
The site also includes bicycle parking.
Bandwagon Plat A 2-Lot Subdivision
Share Bandwagon Plat A 2-Lot Subdivision on Facebook Share Bandwagon Plat A 2-Lot Subdivision on Twitter Share Bandwagon Plat A 2-Lot Subdivision on Linkedin Email Bandwagon Plat A 2-Lot Subdivision linkCLOSED: This item was approved by the Planning CommissionBen Card requests approval of Bandwagon Plat A, a 2-lot subdivision with an existing home located at 970 North 300 West. The area for the new lot is 15,675 square feet which meets the minimum lot size in the R-2 zone. The area for the existing home lot is approximately 9,391 square feet with 91 feet of frontage, which meets the requirements for the R-2 zone.
Lakeview Land and Rock General Plan Amendment
Share Lakeview Land and Rock General Plan Amendment on Facebook Share Lakeview Land and Rock General Plan Amendment on Twitter Share Lakeview Land and Rock General Plan Amendment on Linkedin Email Lakeview Land and Rock General Plan Amendment linkCLOSED: This item received a positive recommendation to City Council from the Planning CommissionCole Peck requests review of the Lakeview Land and Rock General Plan Amendment at approximately 600 East 600 South, changing the designation from LDR (low density residential) to LI (light industrial) on approximately 12.81 acres.
Jones Legacy Estates 2-Lot Subdivision
Share Jones Legacy Estates 2-Lot Subdivision on Facebook Share Jones Legacy Estates 2-Lot Subdivision on Twitter Share Jones Legacy Estates 2-Lot Subdivision on Linkedin Email Jones Legacy Estates 2-Lot Subdivision linkCLOSED: This item received a positive recommendation to City Council from the Planning CommissionDale Jones requests preliminary subdivision approval of a 2-lot subdivision located at approximately 1330 East 600 North in an RA-1 (residential/agriculture) zone.
The proposed subdivision will add two residential lots, extend the roadway and add curb, gutter and sidewalk. These lots are almost half an acre in size.
Curaleaf Chapter 12 Development Code Amendment
Share Curaleaf Chapter 12 Development Code Amendment on Facebook Share Curaleaf Chapter 12 Development Code Amendment on Twitter Share Curaleaf Chapter 12 Development Code Amendment on Linkedin Email Curaleaf Chapter 12 Development Code Amendment linkCLOSED: This item received a positive recommendation to City Council from the Planning CommissionCuraleaf requests review and recommendation of the Curaleaf Chapter 12 Development Code Amendment, amending the regulations specific to medical pharmacies with distribution of cannabis to allow drive-thru facilities. This amendment would remove the regulation that does not allow drive-thru facilities. This amendment would be consistent with Utah State Code, which does allow drive-thru facilities for these types of uses.
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