Thanksgiving Station Concept

This item received a positive recommendation from the Planning Commission and will go to City Council on March 22, 2022. Their motion included recommendations.

The applicant requests review and recommendation of the proposed Thanksgiving Station concept plan. The proposed plan is an update from the previous concept plan submit from December 2021. The updated plan reflects comments from the City Council regarding density and land uses. This concept plan is the first step in amendment to the Thanksgiving Point area plan. The concept plan provides a general overview of the proposed future development of the property. If this concept plan is approved, other amendments to the area plan will follow including the allowed table of uses, TOD development requirements, land uses, utilities, transportation, and other regulations needed for the future development of this area.

The proposed concept plan shows a mix of different land uses on approximately 77.8-acres of property. The applicant is proposing a maximum overall density of 2,000 dwelling units after working with staff and a recommendation from the City Council. The dwelling units will be dispersed throughout the development and will be built over a series of phases and at a variety of density levels. The northern portion, being adjacent to the Frontrunner Station is proposed to have the majority of dwelling units (1,800 units), while the southern portion has been allotted fewer units (200 units).

The land uses for the development will include residential, commercial, mixed use, heavy commercial, and open space areas. The development is split into two different sections, the northern portion being focused on transit-oriented uses, while the southern is focused on heavy commercial and residential.

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