Bellaview Commercial Drive-Throughs
This item was approved with conditions.
Jeff Southard wants to build several commercial retail buildings on the corner. These would include three drive-throughs. No exact tenants have been identified, and they would need to be allowed in the Commercial zone, but overall the type of users proposed are allowed in this zone. The Planning Commission are reviewing the proposed drive-throughs as a conditional use. Conditional uses are an allowed use, but they allow for reasonable conditions to be put on them. Like hours of operation, more landscaping, etc.
The applicant also requests an exception to put the drive-aisles for the drive-throughs between the buildings and the street. This requires an exception but the alternative is drive-throughs that loop around themselves.
The public is invited to share comments related to the exception and the drive-through. Please leave comments below or ask staff questions.
This item was approved with conditions.
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