Walkable Lehi

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We want to create places where people walk not because they have to, but because they want to. And we want your feedback into where these places should be. Of course we all want safe neighborhoods to walk in, but we are specifically asking about areas that include commercial (restaurant and shop) elements like the examples below.

Center Street in Provo: Has many restaurants and shops with outdoor dining and seats outdoors.

Main Street Lehi: Includes many traffic calming elements: brick median with planters, on-street parking, and bollards.

Gardner Village: Artistic elements with picture opportunities and boutique shops.

Soda Row Daybreak: Restaurants and a stage space for many events and performances.

City Creek, Downtown Salt Lake: Commercial, mixed with residential units. Parking garages, and pedestrian only areas.

These represent just some of the places in Utah with elements that create a walkable place. Please use the map below to show what areas you think should be walkable in Lehi and the elements they should include.

We want to create places where people walk not because they have to, but because they want to. And we want your feedback into where these places should be. Of course we all want safe neighborhoods to walk in, but we are specifically asking about areas that include commercial (restaurant and shop) elements like the examples below.

Center Street in Provo: Has many restaurants and shops with outdoor dining and seats outdoors.

Main Street Lehi: Includes many traffic calming elements: brick median with planters, on-street parking, and bollards.

Gardner Village: Artistic elements with picture opportunities and boutique shops.

Soda Row Daybreak: Restaurants and a stage space for many events and performances.

City Creek, Downtown Salt Lake: Commercial, mixed with residential units. Parking garages, and pedestrian only areas.

These represent just some of the places in Utah with elements that create a walkable place. Please use the map below to show what areas you think should be walkable in Lehi and the elements they should include.

Page last updated: 27 Mar 2024, 08:30 AM