Residential Table of Uses Development Code Amendment

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Consultation has concluded

Lehi City requests review and recommendation of a comprehensive Development Code amendment to the residential table of uses (Table 05.030-A). The updates to the table are a result of direction given by the City Council a few months ago to look at the non-residential table. While working on the non-residential table of uses, staff decided that it might be beneficial to update the residential table as well.

The changes made to the table are minor and involve combining some uses, removing items from the table altogether, including references, and the addition of accessory buildings and uses incidental to an allowed use.

Lehi City requests review and recommendation of a comprehensive Development Code amendment to the residential table of uses (Table 05.030-A). The updates to the table are a result of direction given by the City Council a few months ago to look at the non-residential table. While working on the non-residential table of uses, staff decided that it might be beneficial to update the residential table as well.

The changes made to the table are minor and involve combining some uses, removing items from the table altogether, including references, and the addition of accessory buildings and uses incidental to an allowed use.

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Consultation has concluded
CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.