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  • Share Please don’t add high density housing in Or near Thanksgiving Point. At 5:00 pm you can’t go south on Triumph Blvd (2300) West and building occupancy in the park is still low. Adding more cars will just add to the gridlock. on Facebook Share Please don’t add high density housing in Or near Thanksgiving Point. At 5:00 pm you can’t go south on Triumph Blvd (2300) West and building occupancy in the park is still low. Adding more cars will just add to the gridlock. on Twitter Share Please don’t add high density housing in Or near Thanksgiving Point. At 5:00 pm you can’t go south on Triumph Blvd (2300) West and building occupancy in the park is still low. Adding more cars will just add to the gridlock. on Linkedin Email Please don’t add high density housing in Or near Thanksgiving Point. At 5:00 pm you can’t go south on Triumph Blvd (2300) West and building occupancy in the park is still low. Adding more cars will just add to the gridlock. link

    Please don’t add high density housing in Or near Thanksgiving Point. At 5:00 pm you can’t go south on Triumph Blvd (2300) West and building occupancy in the park is still low. Adding more cars will just add to the gridlock.

    cmartin2nd asked over 3 years ago

    Thank you for your concern. We have been analyzing the traffic and it will be part of the consideration of any density around Thanksgiving Point. 

  • Share Is there a bigger map somewhere that I can look at? I can't see where these TOD's are placed. on Facebook Share Is there a bigger map somewhere that I can look at? I can't see where these TOD's are placed. on Twitter Share Is there a bigger map somewhere that I can look at? I can't see where these TOD's are placed. on Linkedin Email Is there a bigger map somewhere that I can look at? I can't see where these TOD's are placed. link

    Is there a bigger map somewhere that I can look at? I can't see where these TOD's are placed.

    Lori Le asked almost 4 years ago

    We have uploaded a larger image. It is now available under documents on the right side of this page. 

  • Share I hear all the time about drought! I’m concerned with all of this building new homes! Where’s more water coming from??? We have a big problem here!!!!! on Facebook Share I hear all the time about drought! I’m concerned with all of this building new homes! Where’s more water coming from??? We have a big problem here!!!!! on Twitter Share I hear all the time about drought! I’m concerned with all of this building new homes! Where’s more water coming from??? We have a big problem here!!!!! on Linkedin Email I hear all the time about drought! I’m concerned with all of this building new homes! Where’s more water coming from??? We have a big problem here!!!!! link

    I hear all the time about drought! I’m concerned with all of this building new homes! Where’s more water coming from??? We have a big problem here!!!!!

    Sharlene Russon asked almost 4 years ago

    Water capacity is definitely an important factor to consider. Before any development is approved our engineering and public works departments review it to make sure there is adequate capacity.  As these developments near transit come in infrastructure (like water tanks and irrigation storage) will be required to be put in place or improved to meet the demands. Thank you for your concern, it is valid and definitely a resource that is becoming more constrained as we continue to develop. 

  • Share I hope you consider the fact that adding more transit means adding more crime. So, make sure you are accounting for that in your budget for the area. The crime near the TG PT station has increased significantly. on Facebook Share I hope you consider the fact that adding more transit means adding more crime. So, make sure you are accounting for that in your budget for the area. The crime near the TG PT station has increased significantly. on Twitter Share I hope you consider the fact that adding more transit means adding more crime. So, make sure you are accounting for that in your budget for the area. The crime near the TG PT station has increased significantly. on Linkedin Email I hope you consider the fact that adding more transit means adding more crime. So, make sure you are accounting for that in your budget for the area. The crime near the TG PT station has increased significantly. link

    I hope you consider the fact that adding more transit means adding more crime. So, make sure you are accounting for that in your budget for the area. The crime near the TG PT station has increased significantly.

    Jane Doe asked almost 4 years ago

    City Council has specifically been considering the impact of development near transit on crime. Can you provide examples of the increase of crime (newspaper articles, police data, etc.)? The City Council can use that data to help inform their decision.