Heaton Zone Change

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Consultation has concluded

The applicant is seeking review and recommendation of a proposed zone change from RA-1 to R-1-Flex on 0.73 acres of property located at 285 S 500 W. The General Plan designation of LDR is consistent with the requested zoning of R-1-Flex.

The rezone application will allow the applicant to subdivide the property and create a buildable lot. The zone change is needed to meet street frontage requirements for the second lot.

The applicant is seeking review and recommendation of a proposed zone change from RA-1 to R-1-Flex on 0.73 acres of property located at 285 S 500 W. The General Plan designation of LDR is consistent with the requested zoning of R-1-Flex.

The rezone application will allow the applicant to subdivide the property and create a buildable lot. The zone change is needed to meet street frontage requirements for the second lot.

Consultation has concluded

Ask questions to Staff about the project here or call Staff directly using the contact information above.