Arias General Plan Amendment
Consultation has concluded
The applicant is requesting to amend the General Plan land use designation of this property from Neighborhood Commercial to Heavy Commercial on 1.97-acres located at 7944 N 9550 W or approximately 2300 W Pioneer Crossing.
The property is currently zoned R-1-22 and TH-5 which would not allow for any use beyond single family residential. This application is the result of Code Enforcement and the applicant trying to bring the General Plan into conformance with what they have been using the property for. The request for Heavy Commercial would facilitate the continued use of the property for a landscaping company with outside storage of materials and equipment as a conditional use as well as a temporary use permit for the food truck located on-site.
The applicant has stated their interest to continue improving the site with improved organization and buffering so that it is not seen as a nuisance. Saratoga Springs approved Regional Commercial directly to the west and development is occurring in the form of a car wash and office/warehouse.
The Planning Commission should consider the allowed uses in the Heavy Commercial classification and if the existing use is appropriate on the property.
Ask questions to Staff about the project. You may submit a question on here or call Staff directly using the contact information above.