Provide your official comment to be shared at the Planning Commission Regular Meeting.
Please remember to be civil and respectful to all residents, all commentators, developers and the Commissioners in your comments. All comments will be moderated before they are posted to this site. If anything is offensive it will not be posted here.
State Law requires the full name of all those who give comments. Please include your name with your comment.
Went to Planning Commission on April 22nd and received a positive recommendation to City Council
CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.
As a resident of the Valley Point neighborhood, which is adjacent to the property in question, I am submitting a comment to strongly oppose the rezoning change. A zoning change would have a significant impact on our property values, the safety of the neighborhood, and ultimately the charm of this area in the city of Lehi overall. I urge you to please listen to the neighborhood. We have to live here. We have to live with the consequences of this decision. The people who owned the property do not. This will have a huge impact in the quality of life that we experience in Valley Point. I am not naïve to the fact that development will eventually occur in the current property, which is now a beautiful field where horses and other animals and birds reside. But as you make your recommendation, please consider what is at stake by changing to more industrial buildings. Thank you for your consideration of this matter and for the opportunity to comment.
almost 4 years ago
It doesn't seem to serve the greater community to rezone any portion of this land. While it may serve a few, the needs of the many should hold the trump card. Approving an industrial strip of property on this parcel will only increase traffic, especially that of heavy equipment, and devalue the surrounding residential community. I understand that Lehi is a high-growth area, but increasing commercialization in areas that are currently primarily residential seems short-sighted. In order to preserve the present desirability of our fair town, let's keep commercial with its own kind and enjoy the increasingly hard-to-find residential areas. Let the homeowners in that area have some peace and quiet!
almost 4 years ago
First, I'd like to thank the Lehi City and the Planning Commission for providing a place to express our concerns in a public format.
My name is Kelsie Porter, I live in the Valleypoint neighborhood with my husband and 3 small children, my back yard is directly affected by changes made on the Peck's land. I strongly oppose the zoning changes being proposed by the Peck family. Not only would the change of zoning into a commercial lot and then high density housing skew our sense of home, community and small town Lehi feel but it is a risk to the more than 30 small children that actively play in our neighborhood. As it currently stands our children can play outside in the fresh air with other children their age. They can walk to school or to the community pool in the summer. There is security in knowing the people around you. If there are townhomes and/or apartments built not only is there high traffic now coming in and out of our neighborhood, but there is an increased risk of the unknown persons who are in contact with our children. In addition to that concern there is the fear of large trucks claiming our roads. I have watched out my windows for months at the work being done on that land. Dirt and rock has been moved in and out. The trucks being used are massive and with the use of these my home has collected the upheaval of dirt with no logical end result. My resounding concern amongst many is the safety aspect. The safety of our children. The safety of community. The safety of our old Lehi remaining a beckon of what a small town can still hold on to.
I hope that you all vote to keep the zoning as is and push to build residential low density housing. Thank you for reading and considering my thoughts.
Kelsie Porter
Kelsie Porter
almost 4 years ago
My name is Maggie Maynard and I live in the Valley Point neighborhood, 268 E 570 S. Please do not approve the Peck’s rezoning request. We specifically purchased our home because it was on a dead end road and not connected to any industrial or high density housing. We specifically moved here from Daybreak because we wanted a slower neighborhood and were tired of all the traffic. Higher traffic brings more accidents and crime. Changing this area would negatively affect our property values and lifestyle. We are raising a young family and desperately want our neighborhood to stay low density. Thank you for hearing us out!
almost 4 years ago
My name is Jessica Machado I live in the Valleypoint neighborhood. My husband and I are not in favor of rezoning the Peck’s land. If changed to industrial zoning I have a lot of concerns regarding traffic especially large trucks driving through our streets. I have two small children and I want to do everything I can to keep them safe. I am concerned for their safety with increased traffic especially large vehicles. My youngest is deaf which puts her at increased risk. Beyond the safety risks, I don’t believe old Lehi can handle industrial or dense living areas. Main Street and other back roads already have a difficult time keeping up with all the traffic. We moved to the neighborhood specifically looking for the old Lehi feel and environment and I believe rezoning would completely take away from our wonderful Neighborhood.
Thank you for taking the time to listen to our concerns. It is much appreciated.
Jessica Machado
almost 4 years ago
My property directly borders the Peck's property (419 e 570 s). I've submitted my concerns on a few different platforms but also wanted to have my comments publicly recognized here.
There are many other reasons that can be referenced that support claims that it will negatively affect my family and property. -Devaluation of property -Noise pollution -Safety -Increased traffic on the small roadways -Crime -Height of buildings -Bright industrial lighting -Loss of privacy with business security cameras -Late night or early morning work -Industrial pollution -Chemical exposure -Quality life aspects
Lehi has been a great place for us the last 3+ years. We've developed a sense a community and feel that adding an industrial spot within our area would significantly affect the community and quality of life of those surrounding it. We hope the city planning commission denies changing the LDR designation to LI on the 12 acres.
Benjamin Lee
almost 4 years ago
Hello! I’m a resident of the Valley Point neighborhood in Lehi, I’m in close proximity to the Peck’s property that is up for discussion for re-zoning.I feel strongly a business complex or industrial complex of any kind has no place in our residential area. While the project would financially benefit the landowners it would have many negative ramifications on those living around the property. By allowing a rezone it would add increased traffic, affect our home values, water pressure (that neighbors located north of the Peck property already struggle with) and create an unsafe environment. The Pecks have emphasized the possibility of condos or high density housing going on the property if they don't get their way with the rezoning. I feel this would be a huge disservice to those living in this area. We specifically picked this neighborhood due to the Lehi master plan showing this area is zoned low density housing. As you consider this decision I ask that you deny the request to have the land re-zoned and keep it as is, low density, residential!
Thank you for your time and consideration!
Alexa Jarrett
almost 4 years ago
Hi there, my name is Deni Blair. My husband and I are fairly new to the Valley Point neighborhood. One of our main selling points on the area was how quaint and intimate the location is with such a safe space for our future family. It was very important to us, knowing that the area would be growing in the future to know what the area was zoned for and made sure to call the city before submitting our offer to be sure we knew of the future plans for the location. I also agree that changing the location to high-density and industrial will not be a positive change in the neighborhood. Thank you for your time in listening to our concerns.
Thanks, Deni Blair
almost 4 years ago
My name is Emily Grace Beck. I live in 612 S 300 E. I am greatly in favor of leaving the land located at 600 East 600 South to remain low density residential in favor of less traffic, and safer environment for my children to play in. Thank you. Please keep it residential!
almost 4 years ago
My name is Robert Mouritsen, I live at 586 South 400 East, which is located in the Valley Point neighborhood that is adjacent on the west side of Mr. Peck’s property. With all the COVID protocols, I appreciate Lehi City and the Commission providing this opportunity to hear my input on this proposal. My wife (Charis Mouritsen) and I are not in favor of rezoning Mr. Peck’s property from LDR to LI on his 12.81 acres. We believe that Lehi City’s Land Use Map is appropriately planned out for future development in this area. I am listing a few comments surrounding our reasoning behind our belief that the zoning should stay LDR. Also, our comments below address specifically the request on the table for Mr. Peck, but also address the longer term issue of future growth this decision could create by the use of high density residential housing as “buffer” space between LDR and LI.
1. Many of the residents in the Valley Point Subdivision have small children. Having industrial sized vehicles consistently driving through a residential neighborhood creates a much higher risk to the residents of the subdivision. 2. Another concern with rezoning is the future of traffic in this area because of the potential for a “buffer zone” where High Density Residential housing is placed in the immediate area (West of 600 East and South of 200 South). The Broadmoor Park subdivision on 600 East is established as Intermediate Density Residential, but the lots are so small and close together that a significant amount of home owners are parking vehicles out of the subdivision on 600 East due to lack of room. Any HDR housing that is built will have all overflow vehicles out on side streets. 3. Again, looking at the traffic within the larger area, last year (2020), the council approved the rezoning of the property at 225 South, 600 East (Pine Springs) from Low Density Residential to High Density Residential. Between the residents in Broadmoor Park, any new industrial vehicles and Peck’s trucks, both 600 East and 200 South are already having traffic issues, and that is before Pine Springs is in place. This will force additional traffic down to 300 and through the residential area of the Valley Point Subdivision. 4. Lehi City has created and implemented a Land Use map. I used this map to help make the decision of purchasing the house where I did. There was no indication of light industrial, or high density housing (including any “buffer space”), to be placed near this location. In this situation, I recommend the city stick with the plan in place.
I would also recommend the Commission seriously re-evaluate placing light industrial or high density housing in the older sections of Lehi. This works great out on 2100 North and other areas of the city that are currently open with no other residential housing adjacent to the location. By adjusting the rezoning you are negatively impacting already developed neighborhoods. Lehi already has an issue keeping up on its older street infrastructure, the pavement on 300 East (below 200 South) is a mess with multiple pavement tie-in’s when the street should be rebuilt, forcing more traffic and heavier commercial vehicles down this road will tear it up even more.
Finally, regarding pushing 500 South through to 600 East… As much as I like how we are tucked away with limited traffic, I do believe that is a good idea so there is an alternate means of ingress/egress for the subdivision. Plus then 300 East could be rebuilt.
Thank you again for this opportunity to be heard. Regards, Bob and Charis Mouritsen
almost 4 years ago
Hello, I’m from the Valley Point Neighborhood. I’d like to give my concern in regards to Peck’s property to changing the zoning to industrial. That would definitely, negatively impact our neighborhood. I would be concerned for my kids’ safety with big trucks going through all the time. When we moved to lehi It was set as low density. Please don’t change it now. We have the best, little neighborhood. Changing the zoning would Not be a positive change.
As a resident of the Valley Point neighborhood, which is adjacent to the property in question, I am submitting a comment to strongly oppose the rezoning change. A zoning change would have a significant impact on our property values, the safety of the neighborhood, and ultimately the charm of this area in the city of Lehi overall. I urge you to please listen to the neighborhood. We have to live here. We have to live with the consequences of this decision. The people who owned the property do not. This will have a huge impact in the quality of life that we experience in Valley Point. I am not naïve to the fact that development will eventually occur in the current property, which is now a beautiful field where horses and other animals and birds reside. But as you make your recommendation, please consider what is at stake by changing to more industrial buildings. Thank you for your consideration of this matter and for the opportunity to comment.
It doesn't seem to serve the greater community to rezone any portion of this land. While it may serve a few, the needs of the many should hold the trump card. Approving an industrial strip of property on this parcel will only increase traffic, especially that of heavy equipment, and devalue the surrounding residential community. I understand that Lehi is a high-growth area, but increasing commercialization in areas that are currently primarily residential seems short-sighted. In order to preserve the present desirability of our fair town, let's keep commercial with its own kind and enjoy the increasingly hard-to-find residential areas. Let the homeowners in that area have some peace and quiet!
First, I'd like to thank the Lehi City and the Planning Commission for providing a place to express our concerns in a public format.
My name is Kelsie Porter, I live in the Valleypoint neighborhood with my husband and 3 small children, my back yard is directly affected by changes made on the Peck's land. I strongly oppose the zoning changes being proposed by the Peck family. Not only would the change of zoning into a commercial lot and then high density housing skew our sense of home, community and small town Lehi feel but it is a risk to the more than 30 small children that actively play in our neighborhood. As it currently stands our children can play outside in the fresh air with other children their age. They can walk to school or to the community pool in the summer. There is security in knowing the people around you. If there are townhomes and/or apartments built not only is there high traffic now coming in and out of our neighborhood, but there is an increased risk of the unknown persons who are in contact with our children. In addition to that concern there is the fear of large trucks claiming our roads. I have watched out my windows for months at the work being done on that land. Dirt and rock has been moved in and out. The trucks being used are massive and with the use of these my home has collected the upheaval of dirt with no logical end result. My resounding concern amongst many is the safety aspect. The safety of our children. The safety of community. The safety of our old Lehi remaining a beckon of what a small town can still hold on to.
I hope that you all vote to keep the zoning as is and push to build residential low density housing. Thank you for reading and considering my thoughts.
Kelsie Porter
My name is Maggie Maynard and I live in the Valley Point neighborhood, 268 E 570 S. Please do not approve the Peck’s rezoning request. We specifically purchased our home because it was on a dead end road and not connected to any industrial or high density housing. We specifically moved here from Daybreak because we wanted a slower neighborhood and were tired of all the traffic. Higher traffic brings more accidents and crime. Changing this area would negatively affect our property values and lifestyle. We are raising a young family and desperately want our neighborhood to stay low density. Thank you for hearing us out!
My name is Jessica Machado I live in the Valleypoint neighborhood. My husband and I are not in favor of rezoning the Peck’s land. If changed to industrial zoning I have a lot of concerns regarding traffic especially large trucks driving through our streets. I have two small children and I want to do everything I can to keep them safe. I am concerned for their safety with increased traffic especially large vehicles. My youngest is deaf which puts her at increased risk. Beyond the safety risks, I don’t believe old Lehi can handle industrial or dense living areas. Main Street and other back roads already have a difficult time keeping up with all the traffic. We moved to the neighborhood specifically looking for the old
Lehi feel and environment and I believe rezoning would completely take away from our wonderful
Thank you for taking the time to listen to our concerns. It is much appreciated.
My property directly borders the Peck's property (419 e 570 s). I've submitted my concerns on a few different platforms but also wanted to have my comments publicly recognized here.
There are many other reasons that can be referenced that support claims that it will negatively affect my family and property.
-Devaluation of property
-Noise pollution
-Increased traffic on the small roadways
-Height of buildings
-Bright industrial lighting
-Loss of privacy with business security cameras
-Late night or early morning work
-Industrial pollution
-Chemical exposure
-Quality life aspects
Lehi has been a great place for us the last 3+ years. We've developed a sense a community and feel that adding an industrial spot within our area would significantly affect the community and quality of life of those surrounding it. We hope the city planning commission denies changing the LDR designation to LI on the 12 acres.
I’m a resident of the Valley Point neighborhood in Lehi, I’m in close proximity to the Peck’s property that is up for discussion for re-zoning.I feel strongly a business complex or industrial complex of any kind has no place in our residential area. While the project would financially benefit the landowners it would have many negative ramifications on those living around the property. By allowing a rezone it would add increased traffic, affect our home values, water pressure (that neighbors located north of the Peck property already struggle with) and create an unsafe environment. The Pecks have emphasized the possibility of condos or high density housing going on the property if they don't get their way with the rezoning. I feel this would be a huge disservice to those living in this area. We specifically picked this neighborhood due to the Lehi master plan showing this area is zoned low density housing. As you consider this decision I ask that you deny the request to have the land re-zoned and keep it as is, low density, residential!
Thank you for your time and consideration!
Hi there, my name is Deni Blair. My husband and I are fairly new to the Valley Point neighborhood. One of our main selling points on the area was how quaint and intimate the location is with such a safe space for our future family. It was very important to us, knowing that the area would be growing in the future to know what the area was zoned for and made sure to call the city before submitting our offer to be sure we knew of the future plans for the location. I also agree that changing the location to high-density and industrial will not be a positive change in the neighborhood. Thank you for your time in listening to our concerns.
Deni Blair
My name is Emily Grace Beck. I live in 612 S 300 E. I am greatly in favor of leaving the land located at 600 East 600 South to remain low density residential in favor of less traffic, and safer environment for my children to play in. Thank you. Please keep it residential!
My name is Robert Mouritsen, I live at 586 South 400 East, which is located in the Valley Point neighborhood that is adjacent on the west side of Mr. Peck’s property. With all the COVID protocols, I appreciate Lehi City and the Commission providing this opportunity to hear my input on this proposal. My wife (Charis Mouritsen) and I are not in favor of rezoning Mr. Peck’s property from LDR to LI on his 12.81 acres. We believe that Lehi City’s Land Use Map is appropriately planned out for future development in this area. I am listing a few comments surrounding our reasoning behind our belief that the zoning should stay LDR. Also, our comments below address specifically the request on the table for Mr. Peck, but also address the longer term issue of future growth this decision could create by the use of high density residential housing as “buffer” space between LDR and LI.
1. Many of the residents in the Valley Point Subdivision have small children. Having industrial sized vehicles consistently driving through a residential neighborhood creates a much higher risk to the residents of the subdivision.
2. Another concern with rezoning is the future of traffic in this area because of the potential for a “buffer zone” where High Density Residential housing is placed in the immediate area (West of 600 East and South of 200 South). The Broadmoor Park subdivision on 600 East is established as Intermediate Density Residential, but the lots are so small and close together that a significant amount of home owners are parking vehicles out of the subdivision on 600 East due to lack of room. Any HDR housing that is built will have all overflow vehicles out on side streets.
3. Again, looking at the traffic within the larger area, last year (2020), the council approved the rezoning of the property at 225 South, 600 East (Pine Springs) from Low Density Residential to High Density Residential. Between the residents in Broadmoor Park, any new industrial vehicles and Peck’s trucks, both 600 East and 200 South are already having traffic issues, and that is before Pine Springs is in place. This will force additional traffic down to 300 and through the residential area of the Valley Point Subdivision.
4. Lehi City has created and implemented a Land Use map. I used this map to help make the decision of purchasing the house where I did. There was no indication of light industrial, or high density housing (including any “buffer space”), to be placed near this location. In this situation, I recommend the city stick with the plan in place.
I would also recommend the Commission seriously re-evaluate placing light industrial or high density housing in the older sections of Lehi. This works great out on 2100 North and other areas of the city that are currently open with no other residential housing adjacent to the location. By adjusting the rezoning you are negatively impacting already developed neighborhoods. Lehi already has an issue keeping up on its older street infrastructure, the pavement on 300 East (below 200 South) is a mess with multiple pavement tie-in’s when the street should be rebuilt, forcing more traffic and heavier commercial vehicles down this road will tear it up even more.
Finally, regarding pushing 500 South through to 600 East… As much as I like how we are tucked away with limited traffic, I do believe that is a good idea so there is an alternate means of ingress/egress for the subdivision. Plus then 300 East could be rebuilt.
Thank you again for this opportunity to be heard.
Bob and Charis Mouritsen
Hello, I’m from the Valley Point Neighborhood. I’d like to give my concern in regards to Peck’s property to changing the zoning to industrial. That would definitely, negatively impact our neighborhood. I would be concerned for my kids’ safety with big trucks going through all the time. When we moved to lehi
It was set as low density. Please don’t change it now. We have the best, little neighborhood. Changing the zoning would
Not be a positive change.
Callie Holbert