Bike & Pedestrian Plan

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For Bike Month we want to get residents input on the current Bike/Pedestrian Plan. A Bike/Pedestrian Plan is a map of current and future planned bike facilities. We are interested in your personal experiences with interacting with the current facilities. Your feedback will help influence potential changes in pedestrian and biking infrastructure.

We will have an open house on May 18th from 5 to 7 pm at the Broadbent Community Room. (128 North 100 East)

We will go over the plan in greater detail and have opportunities to discuss biking infrastructure in Lehi.

If you want to provide feedback prior to the meeting or are unable to attend, use the map tool below to share your experiences about the current bike/pedestrian facilities and potential areas of improvement. In the map legend, you will see references to several types of infrastructure. Listed below are some picture examples and descriptions of the different facility types.

For Bike Month we want to get residents input on the current Bike/Pedestrian Plan. A Bike/Pedestrian Plan is a map of current and future planned bike facilities. We are interested in your personal experiences with interacting with the current facilities. Your feedback will help influence potential changes in pedestrian and biking infrastructure.

We will have an open house on May 18th from 5 to 7 pm at the Broadbent Community Room. (128 North 100 East)

We will go over the plan in greater detail and have opportunities to discuss biking infrastructure in Lehi.

If you want to provide feedback prior to the meeting or are unable to attend, use the map tool below to share your experiences about the current bike/pedestrian facilities and potential areas of improvement. In the map legend, you will see references to several types of infrastructure. Listed below are some picture examples and descriptions of the different facility types.

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Bike/Pedestrian Plan

almost 4 years

Where do issues and improvement opportunities exist? What places do you love?

  1. Click "Add Pin" (+)
  2. Choose the icon that best relates to your map input (issues, improvement, etc.)
  3. Drag and drop it onto the map
  4. Enter your comment and identify up to 3 topics that your comment pertains
  5. Optional: Add a photo

Page last updated: 25 Mar 2024, 04:54 PM