The Perfect Wag Site Plan

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Consultation has concluded

The applicant is requesting the approval of a conditional use permit to allow a dog care facility at the existing building located at 50 East Main Street. Dog care facilities are a conditional use in all zones where they are allowed, including the mixed-use zone.

The applicant proposes to repurpose the previous Hutch’s Home Furnishing building into a space for dog boarding, daycare, grooming, and some dog related retail services. There are no changes proposed to the exterior of the building. The interior space shows 119 kennels, wash/grooming space, and multiple play areas.

The applicant is requesting the approval of a conditional use permit to allow a dog care facility at the existing building located at 50 East Main Street. Dog care facilities are a conditional use in all zones where they are allowed, including the mixed-use zone.

The applicant proposes to repurpose the previous Hutch’s Home Furnishing building into a space for dog boarding, daycare, grooming, and some dog related retail services. There are no changes proposed to the exterior of the building. The interior space shows 119 kennels, wash/grooming space, and multiple play areas.

Public Comments

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You may wish to attend or watch the Planning Commission meeting when this item is discussed. You can watch it online at 

Consultation has concluded
CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

Downtown areas have the opportunity to be a city's most financially productive areas due to the allowance of higher density, less space used for parking, and mixed commercial and residential use. Downtowns are even more financially productive when they are made walkable (as Lehi is planning to do). For this reason, I think Lehi Main Street needs to ensure that the usages of Main Street maximize this prime real estate for businesses that will attract foot traffic and optimize the available space. A big part of this is reducing the space wasted on empty asphalt. I think regardless of what business replaces Hutch's, the lot should be split to allow another property to be filled in in the (enormous) existing parking lot. The parking lot not only takes up a ton of prime real estate without offering a positive return on investment for the city (especially because it's usually empty), it also breaks the aesthetic flow and feel of Main Streets traditional, high-density facade. In addition, asphalt increases the heat retention and creates more stormwater runoff for our city, both of which contribute to higher costs for the city.

I'm not sure how well a dog wash would fit in with the walkable/foot-traffic-friendly intent of the future plans for Main Street--I don't know enough about dog washes or hotels! If city representatives think people are likely to bring their dogs to this venue even when it is less accessible by car (and that this type of venue will attract people to the Main Street area and encourage them to run other errands or visit other shops) then I think it's a good use, I just think the lot should be split.

Ljay 10 days ago